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Who is your favourite Diesel Maker

  • I'm with you, CLC was da bomb, yo. Following close behind are EMD and ALCo (MLW, especially)...having been a little pre-occupied with non-train things lately, I'm a tad the SD40s and anything vaguely simlar, but can't take my eyes off of the Century (/Montreal) series...Mmm, wisecab 3600hp and AC 4000hp ALCos....

    Anybody got a towel for this drool here? 

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • For GMD/EMD nothin beats a GMD1 or (GR-612a) or (GR-412a) They are actaully a "UNIQUELY" Canadian diesel, powered by the GM 567c engine, unless some have been classified as GMD1-u's which are 645 powered. I remember seein lots of them, while growing up, heading towards the other highway to Hartney, Manitoba, and on local CNR branchlines and mainlines, which i believe the 1400's still are being used, along with the 1600's on branches.

    TMC (CNR Mixed train GMD1 1063 with combine coach) (Remember always at Railway X-ing's, (Stop, Look and Listen!)