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Your Opinion Please

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by jhhtrainsplanes

    Thanks Bergie, your comments are appreciated. [:)]

    Do you know or can you remember ever printing a cemetery/train pic in the mag? If so, can you email me a copy of it. The one Sask_T talked about sounded interesting but I don't remember seeing it but it was in a book.

    Thanks again. [:D]

    Check out the July 1999 issue of TRAINS. On page 53 - within the story BNSF's "C&I" Line, is a photo that was taken in a cemetary outside of Lee, IL. You can see a BNSF stack train in the distance with tombstones in the foreground. You can read the names on the tombstones. One has the name STACK on it. Guess what kind of train is in the background? You guessed it... a stack train. Now, the caption for the photo explains that "the photographer swears he never noticed the family surname on the large marker..."

    Inappropriate? Again, it's a matter of opinion.

    Erik Bergstrom
  • I would go more with yes because you have the right AS A AMERICAN to go anywere and do any thing(without breaking the law) and clearly that not breaking the law so there you have it. You can take pic there just not every single day. Do it every oncce in a while like once a week or twice a week.
    Theres my input for now so there you have it.
    Hope this wasn't confusing.
  • I would go more with yes because you have the right AS A AMERICAN to go anywere and do any thing(without breaking the law) and clearly that not breaking the law so there you have it. You can take pic there just not every single day. Do it every oncce in a while like once a week or twice a week.
    Theres my input for now so there you have it.
    Hope this wasn't confusing.
  • I would like to thank everyone for their posts. It is interesting reading. Keep the posts coming in.
  • I would like to thank everyone for their posts. It is interesting reading. Keep the posts coming in.
  • Jim, take a look at this picture. You see the dates almost clearly. What do you think- is it appropriate?
  • Jim, take a look at this picture. You see the dates almost clearly. What do you think- is it appropriate?
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Alaskaman

    Jim, take a look at this picture. You see the dates almost clearly. What do you think- is it appropriate?

    Alex, Hey [:)]

    I don't know what to say about this pic. Ed could see it and give a better interpretation of it than I can. I personally don't like the pic. Not because it was made from a graveyard but because the headstone is blocking the view of the engine. It is almost like you want to move over to see the train and not the headstone. This might be what he wanted when the snapped the shot. The engines and tombstone are the same color -- a grayish ghostly image. I'm sorry but I just don't like the pic. The fact that is black and white makes me wonder if there is a message that I just don't see. A color pic here would have been of course more colorful but the b/w might convey a thought to others that I just don't get.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Alaskaman

    Jim, take a look at this picture. You see the dates almost clearly. What do you think- is it appropriate?

    Alex, Hey [:)]

    I don't know what to say about this pic. Ed could see it and give a better interpretation of it than I can. I personally don't like the pic. Not because it was made from a graveyard but because the headstone is blocking the view of the engine. It is almost like you want to move over to see the train and not the headstone. This might be what he wanted when the snapped the shot. The engines and tombstone are the same color -- a grayish ghostly image. I'm sorry but I just don't like the pic. The fact that is black and white makes me wonder if there is a message that I just don't see. A color pic here would have been of course more colorful but the b/w might convey a thought to others that I just don't get.
  • I didn't like it either.
  • I didn't like it either.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Alaskaman

    Jim, take a look at this picture. You see the dates almost clearly. What do you think- is it appropriate?

    The problem with this picture, I think, is its poor composition. Is this supposed to be a picture of the tombstone, or the train? The photo does justice to neither. It looks like a grab shot. Moreover, the pole in front of the locos doesn't help. The brightness of the tombstone seems to glare some, and is a bit unnerving, as it competes with the locos for the viewer's attention.

    I don't think the picture is necessarily in poor taste or disrespectful. It's just not well planned.

    Please note, I am not some kind of art expert. These are just my off-the-cuff observations.


  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Alaskaman

    Jim, take a look at this picture. You see the dates almost clearly. What do you think- is it appropriate?

    The problem with this picture, I think, is its poor composition. Is this supposed to be a picture of the tombstone, or the train? The photo does justice to neither. It looks like a grab shot. Moreover, the pole in front of the locos doesn't help. The brightness of the tombstone seems to glare some, and is a bit unnerving, as it competes with the locos for the viewer's attention.

    I don't think the picture is necessarily in poor taste or disrespectful. It's just not well planned.

    Please note, I am not some kind of art expert. These are just my off-the-cuff observations.


  • I have seen train photos with a cemetary (or part of one) in front of the train. I don't see any problems there. Just make sure we can't read the names.
  • I have seen train photos with a cemetary (or part of one) in front of the train. I don't see any problems there. Just make sure we can't read the names.