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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 52: June 5, 2006

  • HI! I`m still using my Reb. 6 meg! I thought the thumbwheel I have on the right front top in behind the accuator button involved the f stop function. I think thats somewhere in this next years learning agenda,what two buttons for f on 6 meg Reb.? And why a d20? What is a D20? Did I miss something?
  • Erik is talking my language. Nice pics Erik, you got my vote.
  • Eric Wins this one hands down!
    Quick Question to throw out here? Why is BNSF trying to cover (repaint) all the BN Green, and yet they are dragging to repaint the SF colors?
  • Mike's "down home" photos took the prize for my part. Erik's photos are not to be triffled with, that's for sure; but the nitty-gritty implicit in Mike's shots is what swayed my vote.
  • Sorry.....too close to call. These are great pictures. How fortunate you had enough elevation for the coal train shots to be able to see the tops. If you had been a foot or so lower, those shots just go ordinary.
    The nite shot is fantastic. Hard to make those shortline shots interesting isn't it?
    Great Volume guys.....keep up the good work.

    Larry in Wauwatosa
  • Both were great albums, but I liked Mike's album of car-load railroading in Wisconsin just a little better.
  • Great shots of exhaust coming from the stacks!! I voted for Erik. Mike H.
  • i voted for erik anything bnsf .iam billding a layout all bnsf
  • Main line traffic by far in the heart of Powder River Basin territory certainly got my vote.

    However, had WC stayed Wisconsin Central, then I would have voted for them by far.

    Either way both Mike and Erik did well for an album showing ...
    "There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
  • I voted for Erik's, both were good but his was just a bit better.
  • Mike has some awesome pics, and I hated to vote against the WC shots as I've got some friends that work there, (somewhere)!! That RR has some nice colors.
    But.... Erik has it hands down, these are some spectacular shots and he knows how and where to get them.
  • In my own case, I chose Mike's over Erik's due to the quality of the night shot and the variety of the images. Admittedly, short-line railroading is slow and tedious, involving a lot more of luck than skill to get the train when you want it. But main line railroading today seems to be focussed on Unit trains and paper cutouts; every train looks like the one before and the one after. Granted, Erik got great landscapes as well as good studies of the trains; but Mike got variety and interest, showing what the camera could do for him in otherwise difficult conditions.
  • Mike,

    Thanks for keeping the WC alive if only in spirit.

    Thanks for the great photographs.
  • This was a really hard decision because both albums were so great. The commentary on both was very interesting and the pictures fantastic. I think the background scenery in Eric's was the factor that got my vote.
  • Erik, your album was the winner in my book. Loved the idling Powerbar EMD at sunset, the sun's colors really brought out the orange on the nose of the unit. Even loved the Ponderosa Ranch shot of the coal empties curving downhill.