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Heres an argument that would start with car lovers.

  • Many people I know say that trains suck and have done nothing for anything.
    I disagree highly!!!!
    People love there cars and I understand but the railroad is the most effeciant and the easiest way to get around.
    They run faster than cars and not to mention are better on gas. They can carry loads that cars and trucks will probably never match up to. Passenger trains alone can carry thousands of people. There are 260 million people in the United states. Lets say that each person owns 2 cars each. making the total number of cars well over 500 million. When calculated each car and truck can hold about 32 gallons. 32 multiplied by the amount of cars equals well over 16 billion gallons of gas and oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My word. We need to start using alternate ways of transportation.
    You will never get rid of the love people have for there cars but something more needs to happen. More commuter trains and passenger trains should be running. Hopefully this will happen like in Duluth Minneasota were I live. I can not calculate the number of locomotuives but I do know at any given time in the United States there are 6000 to 7000 trains running. each having 2 to 3 locomotives.

    Just wanted to see what you guys thought of this.

    The Milwaukee Road From Miles City, Montana, to Avery, Idaho. The Mighty Milwaukee's Rocky Mountain Division. Visit:
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  • Trains carry most of our freight the only reson they can say trucks carry "more" is that the freight the train carryes sometimes is droped off or picked up by trucks.
    Save the F40PH!
  • James,
    Why I use my car instead of the train...I'll answer this question for you just like I always have whenever it comes up. I'm a school teacher, and the UP Sunset line runs about a half mile north of where I'm sitting in my classroom right now. (Don't get upset folks, spring break just started, I'm not neglecting your kids' education) I live 20 miles away, and the tracks run about two blocks from my house. Trouble is, the train doesn't stop in either town! As much as I'd love to take the train, I have no other way to go to work except drive. A lot of the United States isn't populated enough to be able to offer trains. If you do live where you can ride a train and do so, consider yourself lucky.

    Here's another point about being a car lover. I drive a 2003 Mustang, and there are drag races in Sealy tonight! So I'll be wasting some or your gas there tonight too!

  • If we lived in England I bet you'd use the's all because the government runs passenger travel, thats whay it only stops in the big cities, Duluth is the 3rd largest city in Minnesota and there is no Amtrak here.........WTF......Athough they say it's coming, but they have said this before.
  • All right, now. First the Amtrak "service" we have up here is all Amfleet (except for the occasional Amfleet II coach(es) on 63-64, and 48-49) Those cars aren't in the same league with my Ford Escape. I don't mind driving, since Amtrak's quality of service[:(] is so poor around these parts[V].
  • There is a very simple answer. The train doesn't go from point A ( Where I'm at) to point B (where I want to go) at the time I need to. It never will because there are no tracks, and I am the only one who needs to go between those two points.
  • Long live the train and model railroading!!
    Head of operations at the Bald Mountain Railroad, a proud division of CSXT since 2002!
  • Unfortunately, Americans need cars. As stated above, trains don't run between points A and B anymore. Neither do many buses. The interurban is dead. Mass transit, in fact, with the exception of some metro areas, is dead.

    Sure, you can take a plane practically anywhere in the world, but even the airlines are going through the same misery the railroads did back in the 50's.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by erikthered

    Unfortunately, Americans need cars. As stated above, trains don't run between points A and B anymore. Neither do many buses. The interurban is dead. Mass transit, in fact, with the exception of some metro areas, is dead.

    Sure, you can take a plane practically anywhere in the world, but even the airlines are going through the same misery the railroads did back in the 50's.


    They never did. People used to spend hours on trips we make make today in a few minutes and days on trips that take only a few hours today. Rail has a place in the transportation picture, but overall does not provide a level of service close to that provided by the automobile.

    I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

    I don't have a leg to stand on.


    Like you I have a fetish for the MILW Road. I'm kinda surprised that some people would have such negative attitudes about trains. Maybe it's because they hate waiting behind crossings. For train lovers everywhere we should be in luck over the next 30 years since fossil fuels are being depleted so rapidly. Also if the other big political power is swept into power in 2008 we could see a return to the good old days prior to WWII when Americans used streetcars and trains to travel basically everywhere.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Luke M


    Like you I have a fetish for the MILW Road. I'm kinda surprised that some people would have such negative attitudes about trains. Maybe it's because they hate waiting behind crossings. For train lovers everywhere we should be in luck over the next 30 years since fossil fuels are being depleted so rapidly. Also if the other big political power is swept into power in 2008 we could see a return to the good old days prior to WWII when Americans used streetcars and trains to travel basically everywhere.

    It was never possible to "travel basically everywhere" on trains and street cars.

    Before the automobile, people walked, used animals for tranportation, or stayed where they were. 90% of people in America lived on near subsistance level farms. Farmers lived a life of backbreaking drudgery. The internal combustion engine revolutionized farming and the truck/auto on the road greatly improved the transportation of produce to marked and manufactured goods to the farms. This made the life of the farmer easier, and enabled people to leave the farm for jobs in industry and business (which were often easier and with shorter hours than farm work). Today farmers are less than 10% of the population and they and everyone else have a lifestyle well beyond the expections of all but the very rich in the pre-auto days.

    The "other political power" did nothing for trains when they were in office.

    I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

    I don't have a leg to stand on.

  • I forgot to mention those who don't have a railway come through there town I would guess you would have no choice but to take your car. Not that it's a bad thing either. I'm just saying there need to be a few more passenger trains running.
    Sorry if you can't ride the train because it's fun.

    Luke M, I see you enjoy the milwaukee road also. I'm glad to see that. As you can see I like the electrics. I model these locomotives. I'm working on getting a steeple cab at the moment.

    The Milwaukee Road From Miles City, Montana, to Avery, Idaho. The Mighty Milwaukee's Rocky Mountain Division. Visit:
  • The problem is in alot of Suburban and rural areas there is no public transportation. I know some areas have what is called a park and ride. That's another problem. The park and ride is often 5 -10 miles from your house so now you need a car to get to the bus.

    Another problem with public transportation is your life is comnpletely depnandant on the train or bus schedule. If you miss the bus or train or it's late you ain't goin' to work. You ain't goin' to work you ain't makin' money. If you want to go anywhere or do any thing it can only be during the hours that the buses or trains are running.

    So basically if you want to have anything even remotely resembling a life you need a car.

    The trains had their day as did the horse and buggy before them. I don't doubt one day we'll see a HUMMER H2 or a Mustang or whatever sitting right next to an old horsedrawn buggy. Time marches on and something better always comes along. Chances are cars will sometime in the near future be replaced by personal jetpacks, spaceships, or those beaming things like in Star-Trek.

  • public transportation is a great way to spread germs & disease.

    anybody remember the recent transit strike in new york? "the octopus"? railfans getting arrested recently? bnsf and that captive powerplant?

    trains are in decline because of what they did to themselves !

    Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

    The Missabe Road: Safety First