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GEVOs for dummies

  • Is there a web list of GEVOs by railroad/fleet number so that I can tell if slides of new locomotives are GEVOs or not?

    I'm not up on the spotting differences between the GEVOs and the other locos in the GE product line.
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  • GEVOs are really easy to spot. Just look at the rear radiator section. Other GEs have a straight rear radiator section, where the GEVO's is split.
  • I know you said you didnt want to know spotting stuff, but its only one thing here. Look at that, thats a sign of a Gevo.

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • Thanks for the reply.

    Actually, it's not so much as I don't want to know the spotting stuff as I DIDN'T know the spotting stuff. This photo is helpful so I saved it.
    Support Team Twin Towers: The Unofficial JFK Airport 50th Anniversary Page: Attend the Newark Airport Airline Collectible Show & Sale: The best slide auction on the net:
  • These units are drawing mixed reviews, CSX guys I know like 'em, CP's guys think they are more prone to pitch and yaw ( Bounce and wiggle to those of you in Rio Linda) when on curves or jointed rail. Both groups like the fact they are quiet, and have comfortable if cramped (For the larger guys) seating. The older heads would prefer an old style AAR control stand versus the desk top arrangement.
  • Our GEVOS have the old school AAR stand not too bad for rooms really.

    Yes we are on time but this is yesterdays train

  • The following roads have GEVO's, there are probably others:
    BNSF ES44AC 5700-5800's
    BNSF ES44DC 7600-7700's
    CSX ES44DC 5200's
    NS ES40DC 7500's
    UP ES44AC 5300-5400's
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • Also, the Gevo has 2 different angles under the raidatior where as Dash 9's and AC4400s only have 1.


    "Something hidden, Go and find it. Go and look behind the ranges, Something lost behind the ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go." The Explorers - Rudyard Kipling

  • I don't need to see a GEVO. All I have to do is open the door and lesten for that stupid Horn.
  • Gevo's are so awesome. I dont know why bnsfengineer says that there crap. All i know is he is wrong or anyone else who agrees.
  •  CSSHEGEWISCH wrote:
    The following roads have GEVO's, there are probably others:
    BNSF ES44AC 5700-5800's
    BNSF ES44DC 7600-7700's
    CSX ES44DC 5200's
    NS ES40DC 7500's
    UP ES44AC 5300-5400's

    CSX now has ES44DCs that go from 5200-5401 (5400 and 5401 were built in Dec. of '06).

    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • NS also has some ES40DCs in the 7600's.
    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • Yep, and i have a perfect photo that shows a AC4400CW leading an intermodal with an ES44AC back to it, can't notice the differences better than that, plus the new CPR GEVO's do not have the Beaver Symbol, but just have the Canadian Pacific lettering. Haven't got any shots of any CNR ES44DC units yet.

    TMC (CNR Mixed train GMD1 1063 with combine coach) (Remember always at Railway X-ing's, (Stop, Look and Listen!)
  • That's a perfect example.
    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • Ok so from your stand point what is so great about these units . If you only ride them ( and i doubt that) or just stand by the right of way and stare at them( more believable) tell us why Nobody who works with these units are allowed thier opinion. I run these junk engines dont like them never will. If GE made them they only exspensive paper weights. and these engines are worse than the dash 8s and 9s.