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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 45: January 16, 2006

  • I voted for Eric's nite shot, but the grainy night shot by Mike would have had my vote hands down if he had entered it.
  • Too Much Glare and Face Blur in Erik's so I voted for Mike's by default - and I too like the Shot Not Entered!!
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by snowcm

    I voted for Eric's nite shot, but the grainy night shot by Mike would have had my vote hands down if he had entered it.

    Okay, guys, the message is coming through loud and clear. I guess I'll have to enter it in Volume 46. [:-^]
    Thank you for reading Trains magazine! click here if you dare
  • With two photos so different, it's like voting for apples or oranges, both are great
    photos but the subject matter is so opposite in each. However in looking at both, I
    picked Erik's.
  • I guess it was night time and people had to take the "dogs" out for a walk. After Erik announces and explains to us that voting criteria do not include scale, I can't believe he couldn't politely ask the people in his photo to remain motionless for two seconds. I find the motion distracting versus "telling a story of people getting on a train" -- now, there is the "story" if there is one. However, all three photos are interesting photographic studies and all worthy of review in that each shows different technical limits/caapabilities of the cameras. Keep up the great photo work.
  • Mike, you really should have entered the night shot. The first time I saw it when you posted to the Wisrail list I thought it was awesome, even with the grain. So I'll just tell you for the fifteenth time, why didn't you enter the night shot? [:-^]

    I went with Erik's. Mainly for two reasons: 1. I know the a night shot can be tricky to get right, and I think Erik did an awesome job in getting the right exposure and such. 2. I liked all the stuff going on in Erik's photo. From the mini-crossing lights/arm, to the brick border in the front, it was cool. The moving kids were a little distracting, but I can understand that it's hard to help that.

    Boy, it's a close race so far......

  • Good photo Eric, but real railroad Mike1
  • Mike, I loved your night shot. Unfortunately, it wasn't in the competition. I didn't vote for Eric's shot, however, because I was somewhat disappointed in the fact that there was some movement blur, and I felt the fence in the foreground should have been cropped out to eliminate the distraction.
  • Welcome back guys. I voted for Erik's nite shot. I actually liked the middle one the best.
    Reminds me of the "old days" when you could use low ASA Kodachrome or Ektachrome for those shots of dusk sky. It's harder to do with the digital because the auto features don't select the right combos for it. Once you start playing around with the manual controls, it opens up new possibilities. Well Done Mike.

    Larry in Wauwatosa
  • What's this "real" train talk? Come on guys. They are both real trains. And Erik's photo is certainly more interesting as photos go. I suppose if it was 1:1 scale the "real train" guys would have voted for it. Okay, so Erik's isn't a common carrier. But Mike's isn't a real UP freight on UP rails...or is it? Keep up the good work guys.
    Bob Boomsma
    Madison, WI
  • Glad to know that you both had a nice holiday and some quality time to play.[8D] Happy New Year to you both.
    So now to who took the better shot oh photo[?] are the quality of the photo an each image's attributes[?][?][:(] MIke had to kick you to the curve this week[:0] Erik you the man[?][^]
  • I loved Erik's shot. The composition was right on. What really sold me was the background was not totally black. You could make out the last rays of sun silohuetting a tree in the background.

  • I voted for Mike's although I really liked the content of Erik's and it was difficult to shoot (night shot) there is some ghosting of some of the people on the left in Erik's shot. It looks like some people may have been moving when he snapped the shot.

    Stay Safe - Look, Listen and Live
  • It's maybe comparing apples to oranges but I'll go with Eric's photo this time.
    Mike's is very good, composition-wise. I found Eric's was innovative and fun and gave it the nod on that basis. The little 10-wheeler's a good-looking engine too!
    (Is my steam bias showing?)

  • I voted for Erik's photo. It certainly is a departure from the usual photos we have to choose from, but that doesn't detract it from being a great shot. I absolutely love night photos of trains and this is an excellent example of one. I love the way the smoke is shown!

    I'm quite surprised that Mike chose the photo he did for the competition instead of that night shot of a UP train. That is an absolutely fantastic night photo and is just the kind of picture that makes you want to climb onboard that train and head off into the night! If you had chosen that photo for the competition, Mike, I definitely would have voted for it.