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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 2005: Second Chance Shootout

  • Erick gets my vote for the power and motion that grabs the viewer. Also perfecty balanced composition.

  • Funny, I voted for both of these losers!!! Since I liked them the first time, it makes it harder the second. But... Mike's wins in the end. I like the composition and the low light. It is a nice way to document a meet. A tip of the hat to both of you for keeping all of us entertained. Keep up the great work.

  • I went with Eric's photo because anybody who thought that much of a BNSF shot on the Peavine line that runs past my house will get my vote. Even though I hate to admit it but I did like Mike's photo better!
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  • I have a video that I shot west of Albuquerque and Eric's reminds me of that pacing video. Nice Eric and I voted for your photo before too.
  • Another tough chose, I enjoy the pictures everytime that I get on the site. Again I liked both pictures. CN meeting another on a double track, BNSF on the AZ. desert. Which to chose? Well, I went with the BNSF going throgh the desert. To me the total clarity of the shot won out. On Mike's shot the clarity of the CN was real good but the engine in the back ground was fuzzy. Again I want to say that I enjoy what you all are doing and both of you keep up the good work.
  • My vote is for Erik's photo - it just gives an impression of dynamic activity - motion - power on the roll. Mike's photo is too static - just didn't have any punch. Or maybe because it is late at night and I should be headed to bed?
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Bergie

    QUOTE: Originally posted by alstom

    Erik's photo!!! Not only is it my era, but it is a darker photo and plus it has Conrail!!!! The CN and WC is okay but is no match for Erik's!!!


    Sorry, alstom... read it again. My Conrail photo is from an old installment.

    But thanks for the vote, I appreciate it! [:D]


    Only one Conrail anyway...the other is CEFX. I went with Mike's, I'm a sucker for SD45's...Dash-9's, Dash-8's (from UP and BNSF) are all I see, and those things from UP called SD70M's...who has ever seen one of those....anybody here?


  • QUOTE: Originally posted by PBenham

    Mike's CN/WC meet wins with me, the pacing shot of the BNSF Dash9 didn't show enough of the unit for me, in my opinion.
    QUOTE: Originally posted by Noah Hofrichter

    I went with Mike's WC/CN shot. For me, Erik's pacing shot doesn't show enough of the locomotive. And I give Mike extra credit for catching a meet, which is a hard thing to do. And of course there is WC in the shot, which makes it even better!
    I can understand both your positions, but the same can be said for the other photo! Neither locomotive is completely visible, and one's all blurry. Neat concept, though!

    QUOTE: Originally posted by jjlamkin

    Sorry Mike, I went with Erik's photo. I liked the content of Mike's but the contrast was kind of strange. It was a hard choice though!
    So, obviously, I went with Erik's photo.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by UPTRAIN

    ... and those things from UP called SD70M's...who has ever seen one of those....anybody here?
    Who was it that had in their signature "The Union Pacific, gone but... oh wait, it's still here."? Kinda reminds me of the UP in Wisconsin sometimes...
  • The BergstromMeister-MeisterBergstrom got my vote... I mean Erik.
  • I gotta go with Erik's shot.... I love the suggestion of speed and power brought to life by the blur of the scenery while the subject engine is crisp and clear. There are things that might have swayed me toward Mikes shot, but they didn't come together.... The general idea and layout of the photo are pleasing to me. The engine in focus is the CN, but it is cut off too much for me.
    I would have preferred to see more of the CN engine in the shot. The WC is all there but, to me it is part of the background, with the CN in the foreground as the photo "subject" and I would like to have seen more of the roof line and maybe a glimpse or hint of the trailing unit in the consist.

    When I went back and looked again at the vol 32 photos in which Mike's shot lost the first time, I noticed that the shot that he lost to had a lot of the same things going for it that I just mentioned here......
    As a closing note I would say to both of you that I enjoy this friendly competition and the photos that you both submit. I look forward to the shots you will provide in the new year!!!
  • First impressions says Eriks shot is the one to vote for. I like the pace shot for its better colour and a shot on the move. Sorry Mike. ;-)

    StephenDx: Computers and trains are my greatest interestsWhistling GMT +12hrs (+13 in summer)

  • Had to go with Erik this stated above... the details of the loco, the backround sharp and crisp.. taking the shot on the move.. EXTREMELY hard to do!! both shots are good.. but had to say Erik.
  • Eric got it! Tough choice though. I have one similar from Nebraska along the UP heading West into the coming night. Eric's shot brings back fond memories. So, I'm voting my sentiments.
  • I agree with many of the previous replies...the detail of the undercarriage is great and the pacing shot doesn't show enough of the body. You guys gave everyone a good run for their money this year. Looking forward to 2006. Everybody, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.