


  • good morning!!!!! and the first day of christmas break begins! ( in michagan ) sooooooo happy[:)] i slept till 9 and i would have slept longer but my dogs ( spaz and natasha) woke me up but i cant commplain today is my first day of trains all day i cant wait.[:D][:D] by the way how do you post pictures????? im so excited about today only 3 days 15hours and 47minuites to christmas!!![8D] im playing with trains all today[:)] (mixed with vidio games and this.)[:D] too bad you guys all have school[:(]
    LETS GO TIGERS! (clap, clap, clap clap clap )
  • FREEBIE for a teen

    I have one HO Athearn Alco PA painted and lettered for Nickel Plate Road which I will send free to any teen who wants it. I bought it on ebay several months ago but I have decided not to run NKP passenger service, so the engine is surplus for me. It runs fine and is new except for test runs. It really isn't worth ebaying it again - too much trouble for just a single item. I know most of you have a very limited budget, so someone out there could use a free loco.

    I am an adult. I understand that you may not want to have direct contact with an adult stranger. We can arrange shipment to a third party - parent's work, teacher, neighbor, for example. Check with your parents first. If you want the engine, be first to respond to this post and we can work out details by email.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by tpatrick

    FREEBIE for a teen

    I have one HO Athearn Alco PA painted and lettered for Nickel Plate Road which I will send free to any teen who wants it. I bought it on ebay several months ago but I have decided not to run NKP passenger service, so the engine is surplus for me. It runs fine and is new except for test runs. It really isn't worth ebaying it again - too much trouble for just a single item. I know most of you have a very limited budget, so someone out there could use a free loco.

    I am an adult. I understand that you may not want to have direct contact with an adult stranger. We can arrange shipment to a third party - parent's work, teacher, neighbor, for example. Check with your parents first. If you want the engine, be first to respond to this post and we can work out details by email.


    You guys remember me saying in the teen thread that was locked that stuff like this happens. Man, an Alco PA, one of you guys better jump on this and quick. (I only wish I could, but unfortunately I don't fit the catagory specified [:(] )

    BTW, the PA that Doyle McCormick is restoring is letter for NKP. Check out

    for more info on the real one.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by tpatrick

    FREEBIE for a teen

    I have one HO Athearn Alco PA painted and lettered for Nickel Plate Road which I will send free to any teen who wants it. I bought it on ebay several months ago but I have decided not to run NKP passenger service, so the engine is surplus for me. It runs fine and is new except for test runs. It really isn't worth ebaying it again - too much trouble for just a single item. I know most of you have a very limited budget, so someone out there could use a free loco.

    I am an adult. I understand that you may not want to have direct contact with an adult stranger. We can arrange shipment to a third party - parent's work, teacher, neighbor, for example. Check with your parents first. If you want the engine, be first to respond to this post and we can work out details by email.


    Im 20 does it apply to me? cuz I'll take it!!! SHWEET!!!!! lol
  • Sorry, Dock. You just missed the cut.

  • well in the end if nobody is interested, then we will talk lol! ha ha
  • dock611 your twenty? now again how do youget this alco? do you have to pay shipping? just wondering atern in my prospective is the best ho suplyer EVER!!!!!!!!!! by the way what does every one think of lego trains i have some, their great for just playing around on the floor i just bult a station for them out of (of corse ) legos its great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i prefer my ho, o, g or my n scale layout my legos are great for my room. how offten does everyone go to train shows??? i know my minumim is one per year. my birthday is 4-22 and the local train show is usaly on the sunday affter. so its ca***hen to the show. my birthday is convent in my perspective. i thought that every one would be out on the same date for christmas break.
    LETS GO TIGERS! (clap, clap, clap clap clap )
  • Yeah Im Twenty[V]

    But I enjoy talking with you guys I hope im not out of place!! I've seen Lego structures in layouts, but never lego trains! lol sounds neat though! I havent played with legos in a while!

    Have fun on your christmas breaK guys, I've been on mine for about a week now!
  • Well i replyed by email, but ill take it. I would have replyed sooner but school ya know? I dont know if oscale knows what you mean, as he didnt really say he wanted it. I guess im second. Dang.

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • Alec, it's yours. I'll go check the email.

  • Too bad I missed the PA offer, it wouldn't have looked half bad in the ARK's scheme. Oh well, I'll find the money to get myself a Passenger engine somewhere. Of couse modeling the WSOR's equipment comes first....

    Not much going on in Wisconsin today. Another ho-hum day at school. I am happy though, as I got a 98 on a biology test, which is amazing considering the fact that I barely understand the material. I do have a little homework to do though. Ah, who am I kidding, I'm just going to stick around here longer, I don't want to do homework.

  • First day of winter break! I need a break from school (too much going on). TRAINS TRAINS TRAINS TRAINS TRAINS ALL BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [:)][8D][;)][:D]
  • Same here Nick!!!! Can't wait to unwrap those presents in 4 days!!!! And also go railfanning after Christmas and before the New Year! Although, I wish I could go railfanning more!!! Oh well ,at least I'm going!!!!

    Richard Click here to go to my rail videos! Click here to go to my rail photos! .........
  • Hello guys...

    [bday] Max, you should stick around here, yuo are a teen after all...

    I envy those who are on winter break- mine starts friday- cant wait!!!

    Well guys I am going to get going, I am dead tired. My face is all red from exhastion and a I can barley keep my head up. Goota go!
  • tpatrick, thanks a bunch man! Ill talk in email, if you want to supply me with your email?

    Check out my pics! [url=""]