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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 42: November 7, 2005

  • I'm always truly amazed by the voting in this forum. One could submit a backlit, poorly focused, overexposed shot, but as long as it was of somebody's favorite road, it would recieve votes.

    Now I'm not saying these shots are anything like that, but basing my vote on the merits of each shot, Photo #1 wins easily. A traditional wedgie, and a well executed one at that. The train forms a full wedge, the background adds to the interest without going over the top, and the lighting was beautiful.

    Photo #2, while visually interesting seems a little too busy to me. Additionally, I dislike the side-lighting in this shot....the shadows are just too much for me. Finally, it seems like the picture is slanted just slightly.

    Just my [2c] of course.

    West Chicago, IL
    Christopher May Fine Art Photography

    "In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration." ~Ansel Adams

  • I went with #2 this time because of the splash of green in the midst of all the black & white of the cars in the trains and in the yards.

    Sugggestion: how about inserting a thumbnail of each photo next to the voting buttons. I seem to forget the photo number as I wait for the vote page to come up and then have to return to the first page.

    I tend to vote not from the technical merits of the photo but by the first impression I get as I see the two photos together. If I voted for a specific railroad I'd have a long wait for the Virginia & Truckee to come up (I volunteer at the Nevada State Railroad Museum and get to play with V & T equipment year round. What fun! Come visit us and ask for a tour.).

  • I'm not really into wedge shots, but I do like scenery shots, but my anti-wedge prevailed.

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • I voted #2 also! Is the sceam listed as a fallen flag? But I also appreciate foto #1 as I`ve lived in the pony`s territory most of my life! Keep it up guys! LATER!
  • I can just feel the rumble of the engines in Photo #2 pulling through the yard waiting for the open track to growl into full run mode. In Photo #1 the engines are just huming like a well oiled sewing machine as he blasts his horn at the photographer for being there. I can hear the dopler sound right now. Two darn good photos. Thanks.
  • Trackside with Bert and Ernie??? At least you didn't spill the names this week. And yes, I do know how to get to Sesame St. It's about 2 blocks south of CP's Bensenville Yard in an industrial area.

    Enjoyed both shots this week. Bert gave us a great mainline shot and Ernie countered with an overhead yard shot. I've been looking at both for about 24 hours now and it's been difficult. I'd like to see both scenes in my basement. And I'll use both for inspiration.

    But I've finally made up my mind and the verdict came down to format. The landscape shot of the NS looks like it belongs on a calendar and the portrait shot of the BNSF looks like it belongs on a magazine cover. As for wallpaper on my computer, the NS shot works better. Bert got the vote.
  • I voted for photo 1, because I thought it was the best photograph. Photo 2 was interesting from a documentary point of view, but it was too busy to be aesthetically appealing to me.
  • Went with #2 with the BNSF whiteface and ATSF in the trail. #1 was okay but never been impressed with NS.
  • Could you guys tell us who it was as soon as it finishes?

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • Both good again....
    I like #2
    Larry in Wauwatosa
  • Again, both photos speak for themselves, so it is difficult to make a choice. However the Fall colors got the vote for this set, however the rail yard photo is not one you see every day. Thanks to both photographers.
  • Again, both photos speak for themselves, so it is difficult to make a choice. However the Fall colors got the vote for this set, however the rail yard photo is not one you see every day. Thanks to both photographers.
  • I like both but settled on #1
  • Two great shots, I have to go with #2 for a great yard shot. We don't get enough of them.