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what did you see on the rails today or in the past ?

  • what did you see on the rails today or in the past and if you have any pictures can you post them please?
    i am tring to see what trains you see in other places.
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  • [:D]This AM,on the UP(Ex T&P/MoPac)Line Through Arlington,Texas,I saw Two CSX Lease Units(GE&EMD);a former D&RGW Tunnel Motor "Patch Job" and a UP SD 40-2 pulling a Container Train.[8D]
  • Saw a NJT GP40PH-2B leading four NJT passenger cars today.
  • Once I saw a nuclear powered 2-8-8-2 in India pull a 7 mile long train by itself, but I lost the pictures.
  • Last Thursday (20 Oct) I was in La Crosse WI (LSE) for a meeting. The eastbound Empire Builder #8 was about 2:45 late. It arrived in LSE exactly at 1300. It had a third locomotive other than the usual AMTK Genesis locos. It was a west coast livery. I am not sure if it was a Coaster, AMTK California, or Seattle-Portland unit. It was mostly white with a darker green color on the top. There were no numbers on it, so I wasn't sure if it was going in for maintenance or being shuttled to another property in the east. In addition, there was a private business car on the end with a sattelite or GPS unit antenna on the top. Not sure what that was all about either. Made for an interesting look at #8 on the chance viewing while I was there!
  • This morning, an eastbound freight on CN approaching Macmillan yard in Toronto headed by a BNSF and a Santa Fe warbonnet.
    Late afternoon, a container train entering Brampton intermodal with a CN and an Illinois Central "operation Lifesaver" unit.
