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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 40: October 10, 2005

  • Mike's justs looks so much better. Period.
  • Come now good people Erik's photo spoke volumes. Three late generation engines with the NS in the middle. Surely that is a sing from above, a future merging; I hope so as I have a bunch of NS and BNSF models.
  • I like the one in Cameron - just spent a few days there trying to get just that kind of the foreground grass, gives some scale and distance.

  • Had to go with Erik - on a trip today, all the corn was gone except for 1 brown field.
  • How can you say that, wairoa?!! That would take yet another class one out, and with it goes more variety! I spurn you as I would spurn a rabid dog!
    Of course I'm kidding. Except about the first part. Most mergers of late I resent, but I accept the SP/UP merger as a neccesity.
    I wish I could take pictures to that quality....

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here: