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Railfans and Stealing.

  • Anyway, my thoughts on this. If it works, or is something that MAY move, dont take it. If its an old switch lock on an abondon line, or a switch key, it isnt gonna be a big deal. But if you take, hmm, an air hose, or a builders plate, or a reverser , thats wrong. Its one thing to take something small, but its another thing to take something that has a purpose. Some of you may say " well, its still there property ". Good for you, but for someone who wants a little memoribilia , its not a big deal. A bad order tag isnt anything to be scared about either, if its not on the car, it doesnt have a purpose anymore.

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • Is not stealing simply a matter of taking something that is not yours? How in the world can anyone justify keeping a "found" item located on someone elses property?


  • QUOTE: Originally posted by PBenham

    With the way that most railroads and a nasty minority of their employees show anger toward railfans this is NOT the time to try any dumb stunts!
    I call it,Job stress! LOL!
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by BudKarr

    Is not stealing simply a matter of taking something that is not yours? How in the world can anyone justify keeping a "found" item located on someone elses property?


    I think the idea is I wouldn't care if somebody stole from my trash cans, I would thank them. You know the old saying, one mans junk is another mans railroad collection, or something like that. Yes, it still is leagly stealing, but if the railroads don't care about you picking up their trash. Is it wrong? Not really. If in doubt, don't take it.
  • I used to hang out on the New Haven Railroad shoreline route in the 60's. The NH was not big on MOW (they weren't big on much of anything) and if you wanted to, you could wander right out onto the westbound main, reach down and pull out a spike from the tie. I was 13 years old at the time. Some of the ties had date tacks labeled "36" on them.

    You only had to watch the named express trains sway over the main line at a blistering 40 miles an hour to realize that maybe the main line was not up to par.

    I shudder to think what kind of damage I might have done... and had I pulled enough "rusted, obviously past use spikes"... I might have killed someone. Like most kids, I didn't know any better. Now I do.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by addax61024

    QUOTE: Originally posted by rgroeling

    I don't get it... STESLING IS BAD...But what do railfanns steal?

    In the 1960s, the railways here in Britain were going through radical changes, there was a new corporate image brought in around the same time as the end of steam, instead of the six regional identities and many branch lines were being closed down. In this period many of the old style "totem" station namesigns were "acquired" by railfans, and while the morals of such action is up for debate, it means that alot of old memerobelia has survived and is valued (you're looking at anything from £500 upwards (approx $800) for a "totem"), items which otherwise would have ended up being thrown away/melted down.

    hey where did you get the picture of the bay line locomotive at.