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What Train or Railroad are You?

  • This neat new quiz tells you what train or railroad matches your personality!

    Post your results!
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  • You're the Empire Builder!- <p><img src=""><br>
    <font face="Copperplate Gothic, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Copperplate Gothic
    Light, Copperplate, Georgia, Garamond, Times New Roman" size="5">
    <b>You're the Empire Builder!</b><br>
    <font size="3">An admirer of Lewis & Clark, you have a firm belief in
    Manifest Destiny. Your destiny has manifested itself in a northern and at
    times desolate existence, but you don't mind life on the mountainside with
    snow and goats. Though your glory days are well past you, many still come
    to visit you to talk about the old times and get a taste for what you were
    like back in your prime. If you were a dish soap, it would be
    <font size="2" face="Times New Roman">
    <b>Take the <a href="">Trains and Railroads Quiz</a>
    at <a href="">RMI Miniature Railroads</a>.</b></font></font></p>

    Im the Empire Builder![:D] Thanks, that site is added to my "favorites" list
  • Here's what it said about me:


    You're the Lionel Christmas Train!

    While you've gotten older and perhaps more cynical, you have
    a better grasp on your childhood than most anyone else. After all, everyone
    has their toys at any age, right? You enjoy going around in circles and
    conversing with people who look perfect but don't have much to say. Though
    you're a big fan of snow, you would also say that pine needles are a
    favored kind of precipitation. Wherever you go, it feels like the most
    wonderful time of the year."

    So that's me, a Lionel Christmas train(and that actually does describe me; to a point of course). The weird part is they picked out the fact that I'm cynical......

  • i scored so low that it said i was a bankruped road that was haveing all its equipment sold for scrap... what ever that means? lol
    csx engineer
    "I AM the higher source" Keep the wheels on steel
  • it said that i will be on top of the world with bnsf,csx and canadian pacific.
  • It said I am the B&O.
  • OK, here's my result:
    <p><img src=""><br>
    <font face="Copperplate Gothic, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Copperplate Gothic
    Light, Copperplate, Georgia, Garamond, Times New Roman" size="5">
    <b>You're Burlington Northern Santa Fe!</b><br>
    <font size="3">When people started hyphenating last names, they worried that
    something like your name would be the crazy end result. Despite having so
    many ancestors clamoring for top billing in your nominal existence, you're
    able to combine their strengths into a massive effort at looking towards
    the future. This has helped you keep yourself and your family afloat, but
    also leaves you vulnerable to having your property graffitied when no one
    is looking. Though you now like orange, your favorite color used to be
    <font size="2" face="Times New Roman">
    <b>Take the <a href="">Trains and Railroads Quiz</a>
    at <a href="">RMI Miniature Railroads</a>.</b></font></font></p>
  • I'm The Blue Train of South Africa!

    "While lots of people think that you're sad, your land is a
    happier place now than it ever was in the past. You represent a good deal
    of wealth and privilege, and even a bit of what was wrong with your land,
    but you've managed to turn things around. Traveling with you really beats
    marching, though you still like to sing about marching sometimes. You love
    to wear capes, especially into town."

    I certainly hope that people don't think I'm sad! I enjoy life a lot. I do like the idea of representing wealth and privilege, though. Perhaps that's a sign that I'll be a millionaire someday. I've always had a deep love of the luxurious trains of the past, such as The Blue Train and The Orient Express, which I'd love to travel on someday. I should hope that travelling with me is preferable to marching! I'm not sure about wearing capes. I don't currently have any in my wardrobe. But, come to think of it, I can see myself being a cape Batman or Zorro or a Musketeer or count or magician or something. You know, I think I just may start wearing a cape. What do you guys think?