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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 35: July 25, 2005

  • Both photos were very good - hard to choose between them - so I just had to pick the one I liked best - that's #1. Thanks and keep up the good work.
  • Enjoyed both photo's but am tired of sun shineing on long lines of containers, Photo # 1 was a refreshing photo and that is why I voted for it.
  • Call it artsy if you like, but photo two is definitely the superior image. Photo one, inspite of the fact that it was taken in the rain, is boring; anyone could have made that image. The drama captured in photo two was the result of careful work.

  • Both photo's were great,but if you've ever been in a lower economy bedroom aboard a superliner car, you'll really appriciate picture number 2 !
  • My son Jamie over-ruled my vote for #1 telling me in no uncertain terms that #2 is by FAR the better photo ! He says #1 is just "an ordinary train shot".

    Guess we cancel each other out [;)]

    108 degrees and monsoons here in AZ !!
  • After reading more posts I just had to write again. I cannot believe how many people say that #2 is NOT a railroad image?!?! Are these people blind?!?! Is the direct sunlight obscuring the large object in the picture?!?! As one person mentioned, this contest (at least I thought) was about superior photographs. In my humble opinion, what is captured in the photograph is only part of what makes a great photo. No one really has control over consist, or cleanliness, but you can take control of conditions. Such as taking your lens, throwing it in the face of the sun, and nabbing a nice shot. Have a seen in the sun shots before? You bet! But in terms of this poll between "CSX Summer" and "CP Sun", I stand firmly stating that #2 is far superior.


    PS- just to ruffle some more feathers, I would argue that #1 is also and art shot... but that is a different discussion.
  • Like glint; like stacks; like #2.
  • It's nice to see some eastern action for a change. That part of B&O can be quite interesting. However, beware of the police!
  • They were both good, but Photo 1 just couldn't be beat. CSX in a forested area with 2 GE's on te point? Man, that's good!
  • I voted for #2 because it is a great photograph. #1 is a great train photograph. If all you want is to see trains (nothing wrong with that, lots of people prefer it) then #1 is your pic. I enjoy the photography angle more that the content exclusively so I went for #2. Since this is a railroading forum, obviously trains will play a big part in the photos. The real trick is to combine the format with unique photography, then for me, you have something special. It's all in the eye of the beholder & there's nothing wrong with that.
    Wauwatosa, WI
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by projoem

    I like photo #1 simply becouse it isn't about art, its about trains.
    I'm sure there's a bunch of other people I could quote, but this one says it best!

    Now, let's see, who took a trip out east recently??? [}:)]

  • i voted for No2 because of the low light, and the trains meeting, as well as the signal on the sides of each track
    Colin from
  • I voted for 2, but would have readily voted for one if it had been taken from more in front of the train. Last summer in Seattle, I took a pair of photos that were taken in similar lighting conditions to one, but the second was taken from directly above the center of the track, whereas the first one was taken on a similar angle to the competition photo. They both turned out quite good, but the second was more dramatic.

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • Photo #2: tone, texture, drama, action--wow!
  • Photo 2 in my opinion is by far a much better photo. It has mood, and feeling and almost brings out the fine art aspect of photography.