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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 28: April 4, 2005

  • I voted for Mike's shot this week. It was a hard decision, but Mike's shot was batter especially considering the bad lighting. Erik's photo was also good, but it lacked any background interest and just being a pacing shot was not enough to get my vote.
    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!
  • I voted for Erik,because he mixed some nice girl, pictures in with the engine pictures & any time I can get a good look At PAMELA, I will & THanks hhuubb.
  • My vote is for Erik's shot. Of the 2, it's the one that really grabbed me. I felt
    the movement of the loco gliding along and could get lost in the scene
    so to speak.
    Mike's shot was good for the conditions but I found the wire clutter
    Bob Sandusky
  • Yep. Got to go with the Berg. Have always liked those ole pacing shots!
  • I chose Erik's.