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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 27: March 21, 2005

  • I picked Mike because a good photo should have some background to complement the main theme. Mike has done this.
  • I have to go with Erik's shot this time. Both are pretty good pics, I think the smoke does it for me. Gives a sense of heavy power. I also like the slight upward angle of the shot, also adds to the sense of huge mass.
  • Mikes shot would be perfect, if we could just cut down that tree growing out of the cab roof. Possibly moving to the right and shooting just a little sooner would have helped.
    Both were teriffic shots, and as an AT&SF'r I would buy and frame Ericks.
  • Mike's composition had a lot more going for it. Much more interest with the background. It made a stronger statement.

  • I voted for Mike. I like the larger winter view. Had my Canon stolen a while back and have to replace it. You can't focus in those aim and shoot cameras! Have some nice shots of trains in the Columbus, Ohio area but they are too far away!