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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 24: January 31, 2005

  • I voted for #2 for all of reason's already mentioned:
    Signal, more train, visible slope, etc.

    I definitely prefer seeing two shots of the same train. Its a good learning experience for everyone. This weeks photos show how subtle differences can make one photo standout from another even though they are very similar.

    After I voted the results were 81% in favor of photo 2. All because of a few extra details.

  • I like the color of photo 1 better but voting strictly on composition I have to give the nod to photo 2. The string of cars receeding in the distance and the signal mast really add richness and railroading flavor to the photo.
  • The signal, the mileposts, the switch, etc. make #2 a more interesting photo. But I would have definitely voted for the WSOR photo had it been one of the entries.
  • Photo #2 by a fairly wide margin---better exposure, and perhaps more importantly, better framing (centering).

    A couple of `by the way' comments: Thanks for going to `blind voting' and if the shot of the train plowing through the snow bank is clearly a great photo---exposure, framing, timing! Congrats to Mike.
  • Very little difference. I thought photo 1 had a slightly greater colour saturation so it got my vote.
  • I like to see the whole train and with the dip in the track it really adds to the photo.
  • Number two. It speaks for itself why!

  • Photo #2 got my vote.I liked the signals in the distance and the way the train streched to the horizon.The dip in the tracks adds much to the picture.Also,there was too much shadow on the nose of the unit in photo #1.
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • Talk about difficult choices. I opened both shots and set them side by side for a while. Then it struck me. It all came down to the headlights. The starburst looks better than the glowing blob so I went with Photo 1
  • The first photo was too dark on the nose of the engine and it looked as though it had been cropped too much.

    The second photo had a couple things that won my vote:
    (1) The angle(seeing the entire train coming at you)of the shot, and taking in the view of the scenery.
    (2) The signal

    #2 was my pick.
    That's my story, and I am sticking to it!!!! :))
  • WHAT IS THIS!!!! Okay you two, which one of you went high and the other went low on shooting angles??? I went with Photo #1 just because I liked it. #2 was okay, but #1 just seemed to strike me. Oh, by the way, the photo with the long end forward going through the snow is AWESOME.
  • I liked shot # 2 The train working up the hill is exciting.
  • Hey Mike, those photos on the newly acquired Wisconsin & Southern line were outstanding! There were some very dramatic and historic shots taken that day. It took a lot of dedication to stay out in that kind of weather. My vote is for Photo 2 this week as it looks a bit more dramatic and interesting to the eye.
  • I choose number one because it is in better focus and sharpness counts with me. Yes, it was nice to see the signal and the slope, but that was not the focus of the photo...and I can't say what was as I think the focus is far too soft. So it's number one for me.

    Walt Huston President Aberdeen, Tacoma & Spanaway Forrest Railroad
  • I had to go with the majority on this one. I almost voted for #1 because of the color and the angle on the boxcars, but overall #2 was just a beautiful all around shot. I definitely like the similar photos and blind vote, unfortunately it just makes the decision that much harder. Good to be back to the roots and keep up the good work [tup].