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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 22: January 3, 2005

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by cumminspwr

    Both picture's looked nice,kind of hard for me to decide.......John

    I'll agree with this one. Normally I would prefer a UP shot, but this one just didn't do it for me. Erik's shot was better than his last "night shot" that he submitted for voting, and I would have voted for it had this one been in that competition. Nonetheless, I voted for Erik's picture, it just seemed ever so slightly better than Mike's.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by taylorjj123

    As much as I dislike UP, I had to go with Mike's shot. There is just something about it that I like.

    Same here, but Erik's showed some night creativity. However i did notice that the foreground UP locos were an early and a late version of GE's AC4400CW.
    "There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
  • While both are good shots, Mike's gotta 'Lucky Strike' with both trains in the same shot. I wonder how fast they were closing? (And with a signal too!)


  • something magical showing two trains meeting,buttons miles away were pushed to set up the meet activating signal indications telling the crew on each train what to expect,many more events lead up to Mikes picture that perhaps railroaders appreciate more because they know the behind the scenes events that took place
  • I didn't vote for Erik's previous version of this, but I do like this one. I can see more of the lead (and I don't think it looks to be in such bad shape) and the front of the second. Not even a hint of the phantom passerby.
    Mike's photo is pretty good too; it was just something about the mood of Erik's night shot, almost like a lit-up holiday display. I'm not influenced by the RR company, so UP or BNSF or ATSF is all the same to me.
  • Im not to much of a night shot fan. So I would have to chose Mikes photo today. But I have to admitt, Eriks photo is good also.
  • Catching 2 trains is neat when it happens but I leaned somewhat towards
    the night scene. I guess it struck a more responsive chord.
    Bob S
  • I voted for Eric's shot because I'm more than partial to BNSF, plus I really liked the lighting and the way it played on the snow. Your shot was good also Mike, but only one could win, right??!
  • Erik got my vote, not for the obvious reason.

    I am always partial to a night shot, they're tough to get right and this one is pretty good
  • I just had to go with Erik's shot. Theres just something about it. Maybe it's all
    that power ready to shake off the cold and "GET R DONE"!
  • Mike's Photo is awesome. The two trains and low sun really make the photo shine.
  • Hi from New Zealand, Happy New Year. I support ATSF usualy, but I liked Mikes shot as he said for it's going away from the camara. My thanks to both Eric & Mike for thier shots over the past year as it gives a Train Fan like myself lots of photos of differant types to appricate. Thanks and all the best for the coming year. Philip E
  • Erik, you should have used this shot instead of the light streak shot on your previous entry. But a second chance at the same loco from the same photo session isn't going to cut it. Mike's meet at Rochelle typifies the action at that hot spot. I've got hours of video that I've taken there and meets are common. Mike's pic brings back memories of times I've taken the drive out to Rochelle.
  • Mike,great real world image. Great composition of all pertinent detail. Reminds me of past practice in rail photography.[8D]
  • Sorry, but I'm always a sucker for neat nightime photography. Erik, you got my vote!