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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 22: January 3, 2005

  • In our online feature, Trackside with Erik and Mike, staff members Erik Bergstrom and Mike Yuhas go trackside and share their photo results with you. In each installment, we’ll include let our users vote on who got the best shot. Read this week’s installment.

    Please vote and then share your comments.
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • I liked Erik's for the snow, it's something I wish I could shoot in around here in Central Wisconsin, as currently, there's none of it! I also liked the warbonnet scheme, one of my favorite ATSF schemes, I just wish it wouldn't have been painted over with the "BNSF." Sorry Mike, but I'm just not a big UP fan!

  • Tuff choise, but I voted for Mike's. I like it because it shows a lot of action and normally it is hard to shot two trains at the same time like this.
  • Again, Mike's photo for the timing (and the luck) of being able to line up two trains. That is even harder with so many fewer trains in Australia, but I try from time to time.

  • I think it just is a beautifull night shot.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Bergie

    In our online feature, Trackside with Erik and Mike, staff members Erik Bergstrom and Mike Yuhas go trackside and share their photo results with you. In each installment, we’ll include let our users vote on who got the best shot. Read this week’s installment.

    Please vote and then share your comments.
  • its one of the best night photos i have seen ...put it on a 2006 calander see alot of train shots but thats a great one
  • Both picture's looked nice,kind of hard for me to decide.......John
  • I went with Erik although I generally prefer Mike's shots. Although it was a bit dark (Duh! It was a Night Shot!) Erik's seemed to hold more interest. I had the feeling the locos were poised for action ...
  • Erik's shot is awesome. The night and snow is just perfect!! Nice job!
  • Before Christmas there was a comment about the Air Conditioning unit being orange and not matching. I am sure when the original failed, the shop forces took a spare unit off the shelf to keep the Loco on the road instead of tieing up the unit waiting for repair. I have seen this same situation before, but with a silver AC unit on a H-2 dash 9. We see lots of units with different color radiator fans, Oakway units with blue fans, and SD60M's with blue fans. Any thing to keep the units rolling.
  • Erik's photo reminds me of one of the Santa Fe CW40-8's that I run on my layout. Great shot!
  • Great exposure Erik, but I just can't bring myself to vote for basically the same shot twice! I'm not discounting Mike's shot in any way...I did like it a bit better even though it's the same boring UP stuff I see around here!
  • Erik's night shot suffers from the general lack of dynamic range (ability to capture a range of brightness levels) that digital cameras have. Don't know what post-processing Erik and Mike do, but Erik's shot clearly needed some (or more) brightening of the `dark' areas of his shot. I'm sure his eyes saw more detail than the camera captured.
  • I liked the two trains,....BUT..... being from Roanoke, Va home the O Winston Link Meusem I had to compare the night shot to that of the master and found it DID in-fact measure up. GANNB