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CSX paint scheme

  • I may have seen this wrong, but unless I'm mistaken I saw something resembing a lightning bolt under the number on the side under the locomotive number. can anyone verify this?
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  • The only thing I know is that the AC units have the lightning volts by the number.

    Photo of the AC4400CW -]

    Photo of the AC6000CW -
  • CSX AC units do have the lightning bolts. I am pretty sure they are the only ones.
  • Dosn't it stand for "Radio Control", or something like that?
  • No, it signifies that the units have AC transmission. You must be thinking of the EL units which had lightning bolts and said "Radio Equipped".
  • Yuppers CSX has the lightning bolts on the sides of all of their AC units. I think it add's a nice touch. Many AC unit's I've seen that have the lightning bolts are the AC6000CWs in CSX Bright Future paint, I also see them all the time on the Dark Future paint too.
    LORD HELP US ALL TO BE ORIGINAL AND NOT CRISPY!!! please? Sarah J.M. Warner conductor CSX
  • Nice pictures! As for the first one, is it me or does the U.P. seem to be running EVERYWHERE?
  • Does anyone know why CSX's "BIG BEAST" AC6000W's have the thin yellow lettering on the side where on YN2 regular's there is not. I call the AC6000W's YN2 and a half.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Dale Trongale

    Nice pictures! As for the first one, is it me or does the U.P. seem to be running EVERYWHERE?

    Yup, im getting sick of seeing UP's in NJ. I see them every day I am railfaning CSX.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by NJMike

    QUOTE: Originally posted by Dale Trongale

    Nice pictures! As for the first one, is it me or does the U.P. seem to be running EVERYWHERE?

    Yup, im getting sick of seeing UP's in NJ. I see them every day I am railfaning CSX.

    It is because of that express lane service.
  • Several roads used the lightning bolt for "Radio Equipped". EL had the most prominent version but D&H had a version that used two small lightning bolts bracketing the word "Radio". It was located at the base of the cab just above the frame.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • I think I've seen them on some of the NS locomotives that run the coal trains around here...ex-Conrail units? I can't quite remember, but I've got a hoard of pictures to check through, so I'll get back to you on that.
  • on the conrail AC units..thier was never a lightning was the ungulationing (i know i killed the spelling of that word) symbol of AC electrical curent... and had the words AC traction in it somwhere... if i remember correctly..... this was on the sd70 and 80macs
    csx engineer
    "I AM the higher source" Keep the wheels on steel
  • I seem to recall that the B&O used to use lightning bolts to signify radio equipment in the cab as well.
    Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)