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Do You Make a Train Layout Just for the Holidays?

  • I've set one up, under the tree, every year since I was 4.[:)][8D]
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  • Yes - O scale around the tree. But I have HO in the basement (8x6(
  • I always make up a little circle to go around the tree, at least until the presents cover it up.
  • i usually set up a # 1 Scale track around the tree with a small village to match, not the HO I normally model. It is fun for the Kids as the engine has sound.

    Just do it.
  • I used to set up my G scale train, but the other folks in the family just didn't understand......

    One of the worst memories was of my grandma standing on the tracks, oblivious to the train, and me not getting to the controller in time to stop the train, it was quite the de-railment.
  • No, unfortunately we have a rather large tree and it takes up a whole corner in the living room. I wish we could but there's just not enough space.
  • I always have some trains running around the Christmas tree. This year, like last year, it will be a Lionel standard gauge train in a circle right around the tree and two O27 gauge trains (one Lionel, one Marx) on large ovals that make a curve around the tree, but keep on going for the length of the room. The presents then go inside of these ovals beside the tree, not under it.

    I will also set up a Christmas layout on a 4x8 sheet of plywood in the living room for my ceramic Christmas buildings. The trains I use for this are New Bright battery operated trains that are between the size of HO and S gauge, which fits in with the buildings perfectly. This had always been on an old door, but I've gotten more buildings and trains for it, so I'm expanding it this year.
  • We do a Halloween Village and also a Christmas Layout besides our regular layout.

    Click on our web icon to see pics of them


    I am a person with a very active inner child. This is why my wife loves me so. Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. OTTS Founder 

  • I run a simple look of HO track on a plywood base around my Christmas tree. I have decorated the trackwork and roadbed to look like it is snow covered. I have three different trains I run on it: and Amtrak F40PH with three coaches, a MoPac SW1200 pulling a half dozen mixed freight cars and a caboose, and Thomas the tank engine pulling Annie and Claribell.


    Owner and superintendant of the N scale Texas Colorado & Western Railway, a protolanced representaion of the BNSF from Fort Worth, TX through Wichita Falls TX and into Colorado. 

    Check out the TC&WRy on at

    Check out my MRR How-To YouTube channel at


  • I run a Christmas Train under the tree, but I do not do anything special on my HO Scale Layout because the date always remains the same, July 1957.
  • Yes. Actually running trains under the tree has been a family tradition, going back to my Grandfather in the 40's. My Father inherited Grandpa's train stuff, and now I have it all. I'm now 39, but every year when I set up the old train, (and my new train), I'm transported back to the past. I have old b/w pictures of this same train from the 40's, and it's hard to conceive that my old train stuff is now 60 years old.

    Christams is the only time of the year I run my trains, as I don't have the space to have them set up year-round.

    They generally stay set up thru March and sometimes even April, for maximum enjoyment. Another advantage of being out this long, is that when Income tax time comes around, and I have $$$ to buy trains stuff, I have the layout there to try my new toys out before putting them away for another year.

    By that time, however my Wife is complaining that she wants her Living room back, and she now has to dust off all the tree ornaments before putting them away!!!!
  • Not since I was 16.
  • Yes, depending on the "tree theme". I have a G-scale (LGB) train that I set up...not historically accurate or anything but it is fun.
  • Nope, I have a train layout all year long.
  • I do not, but my dad does. And according to my dad: "We in the Federation have starships out there that the Romulans can't hope to compare to."