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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 18: October 25, 2004

  • I voted for # 2, however both were good enough for me to e-mail to a friend who is not near a railroad track.
  • I voted for pic. #1 because the whole frame was in focus.[
  • For me, it is a tough call! Both shots were very good, but #2, with the train seemed more in the spirit of railroading.
  • I voted # 1. I really liked the contrast between the sky and the yellow engine. Would hang on the wall nice.
  • I too, liked them both but I voted for #2. If you blow up the photo, you can really see the double track. I liked the working train with the undulation of the track in the background.
  • Sorry guys but seems a bit of a much ness this time. Not a lot to choose between the two. I go for 'Making the Grade' because it does take you into the picture and down the tracks. I found the power lines capturing my attention almost as much as the subject does but I did like the details shown of the uneven and undulating track.

    Perhaps 'No Train' should have been entitled 'The Loneliness of the Long Distant Engineer ! The photo does have a sparseness quality.

    Phoenix, AZ
  • While the shot of the UP engines is very good, I prefer to see a shot that provides clues to what a typical train consist was on a particular route within a specific time period. This helps me create a more realistic model railroad. Therefore, I voted for the second picture.
  • The UP engines in full sun with the dark sky behind them makes for a great shot! "Making the Grade" is the classic power shot, but the other has a more artistic quality and is the better "photo" IMO.
    Dave M
  • I thought that BOTH did an excellent job on each picture!! I had a hard time deciding WHICH one to vote on! All I can say is KEEP UIP THE GREAT WORK!! Thank you!
  • Both are good, but the lighting in #1 is more dramatic than #2 even though the action is more dramatic in that one. The light in #2 is flat. #1 was metered right on even though the units are bright and the backgroud dark. I chose #1.
  • Well, this was a tough one....

    I really liked #1's romantic gesture with the engines, the storm clouds and the way the colors are offset by the clouds and sunset (assuming that it's not a morning shot); but, I voted for #2 for the dramatic gesture of a speedy train working upgrade. I am a sucker for action shots. Good job guys! [:)]
  • Liked the clouds and color contrast in #1, but voted for #2. The lighting is better and the heat waves above the lead locomotive are cool!!
  • I voted for number two. I've probably ridden that engine.
    I am NOT a foamer!
  • I voted for #2. Working trains are what I like. You can feel the ground shake, and hear the growl. Power! Wow.