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the worst paint job

  • I hate the Famly Lines System's paint but it was an excellent railroad. I also hate Guilford's scheme. I also don't care for the railroad either. I hate to say it but CSX needed some help when they came out with the gray background w/ dark blue lettering, that was just a pittiful design. But they fixed that with thwe intoduction of the yn3 paint scheme.
    LORD HELP US ALL TO BE ORIGINAL AND NOT CRISPY!!! please? Sarah J.M. Warner conductor CSX
  • Equally the CSX all gray Stealth motif and the so called Dark Future,

    Stealth is just bleah!

    Dark Future - the shades of Blue and Gold are just 'not right' and besides that it is booring.
  • The Chessie System paint scheme looked like it was developed by Tyco for a cheap train set[xx(]
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • New Haven in the McGinnis days.
  • there was one; i forgot what its called, but their locos are brown, orange, and maroon if i remember correctly
  • [xx(]ICG Solid orange with black underframe.
  • The GM&o's Red and Marroon.....I imagine it may have looked good when new and clean, however I expect the last time the equipment got painted was when it was new in the 40's and I only viewed it in 59 and later.....a total faded mess.

    Never too old to have a happy childhood!


  • I never liked CNs Zebra Loco's.