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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 14: August 23, 2004

  • In our online feature, Trackside with Erik and Mike, staff members Erik Bergstrom and Mike Yuhas go trackside and share their photo results with you. In each installment, we’ll include let our users vote on who got the best shot. Read this week’s installment.

    Please vote and then share your comments.
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • Erik's photo is great. It emphasises the flared radiators of the SD45 and is also well lit. Mike's photo is unfortunately backlit but if it weren't for that, I would have voted for his instead. Had the train come from the other direction, it would have been better lit.
  • I liked both photos! I voted for Mike's because Erik's (sorry Erik), for me, it is almost too much in your face. The closeness and angle kind of obscures the locomotive.
  • Had to go with Eriks this week, for two reasons.
    1. Mike's was back lit-ish, to dark again. I have a feeling this will be the battle of the monitors again.
    2. I liked the way you could see the engineer in Erics photo, watching where he was going.

    P.S. Erik, good luck with the scanner!! I use mine all the time, and it's some times the only way I know the twice a week local train's in town.

  • Had to go with Erik's this week. I like the "in your face" closeness of it. Milke's had really good color, but the loco's were all too dark, except for the yellwo stripe down the side, but like it was said above, it may just be a difference in monitors. Go for that scanner Erik!
  • Voted for Erik's this time round
    Like the long hood forward of the SD45 especially without any CN markings!
    Can't see too many SD45s in that position now.[:(][sigh][:O]
    "There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
  • Crap, this one was a toughy. Had to go with Eriks, though. Nice shot!
  • Erik and Mike made the choice difficult this week. I had to go with Erik's though as the shot of a long hood forward movement of a WC SD45 in 2004 was too rare to note vote for. Catching the locomotive on the easement added a nice dose of interest to the photo. Plus, Erik needs to be convinced to buy a scanner. Mike's photo with it's vibrant colors, interesting landscape and pure WC locomotive consist was supurb and most weeks would win the contest. Nice job guys!
  • I voted for Eric's shot.A head end shot of an SD45 running long hood forward.You just can't beat that [:)][:D][:p]!!!
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • I was having one of those can't sleep nights and lo and behold, the weekly update showed up on my machine. I voted for Mike's shot as direct head on shots do not do it for me. I would have liked to see the engine from the side to be able to get the full effect. I did kind of want to wave at the engineer in Eric's shot though. The problem is now I am really awake and ready to read the whole update.
  • I like this new format...and I like Erik's photo just a tad more than Mike's. I like the drama of the winner. I do like the color saturation in Mike's photo, but it does sacrafice detail some.

    Walt Huston President Aberdeen, Tacoma & Spanaway Forrest Railroad
  • I voted for Erik's. The lighting was better and these days a shot of a W.C. SD45 is rare, though it dosn't show much. I just wish it wasn't so headon. A bit of an angle would have been better. Mike's photo was great, but a little to dark to my liking. If it had of been lighter, it would have shown more detail. As it was, it was to dark to see any details.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by appst03

    Erik and Mike made the choice difficult this week. I had to go with Erik's though as the shot of a long hood forward movement of a WC SD45 in 2004 was too rare to note vote for. Catching the locomotive on the easement added a nice dose of interest to the photo. Plus, Erik needs to be convinced to buy a scanner. Mike's photo with it's vibrant colors, interesting landscape and pure WC locomotive consist was supurb and most weeks would win the contest. Nice job guys!

    I think I saw this locomotive in Muskego Yard, but didn't have time to get a picture, as I was on my way to work. Glad you got a picture of it Erik!

    Mike's picture was great too, just a little too dark for my taste.

    -Mark Hintz
  • I have to go with Eric's frontal view. It has a handsome look; portrait style and the slight curve gives definition to the train and a sense of speed.
    Mike's photo? Well after all is said and done polorizing lenses not withstanding, it still looks like an underexposed shot to me. Nice sky though.
    Mark, New Brunswick
  • I like Mike's shot better, even tho dark. Eric's would be excellent for a magazine cover!
    Both were very good.