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Trackside with Erik and Mike Vol. 6: April 19, 2004

  • In our new online feature, Trackside with Erik and Mike, staff members Erik Bergstrom and Mike Yuhas go trackside and share with you their results, as well as what they’ve learned. In each installment, we’ll include let our users vote on who got the best shot. Read this week’s installment.
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • Am I correct in assuming that both photo #1 and #3 were taken with a polarizer in place? I thought it was cool that you can just make out a jet contrail above the engine in both photos. I also assume that since #2 was the "lumber shot", it must have been taken by Erik. It demonstrates well the effect of compression and power. I have to go with #3 because the row of trees was distracting in #1. #3 shows better composition. [2c]
    C&NW - Route of the Kate Shelley
  • Gotta be #3
    can see the engine and the train behind it. good shot

    Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


  • I'm gonna have to go with Photo One this week.

    I like them all, but the sky in photo 2 is a little too gloomy.

    Photos 1 and 3 are also good but I prefered one.

    Though you get a better shot of the train in photo 3, I had to vote for 1 because it's a little less common of a sight. I like the way the train was caught coming around on an angle. That little bit of an angle was what added the freshness and originality and that's why it got my vote.

    I like all three though, any train picture is a good one!
  • The third shot gave the best veiw to the eye and to the mind which can
    envision the train passing as if there.

    Always think safety because the after thought does no good

    David Brown
  • Voted for #3. Did not like half of the picture being taken up by a pine tree in #1. Number 2 did not catch my fancy. There is never enough emphasis on safety and what we teach our children is what they will teach to theirs. Keep the picture coming.
  • Photo 1 got my vote. It has the most inventive composition of the three, not to mention the best color replication. On shot 2, given the conditions (the sun) the head-on-tele wasn't the best choice since the sun wasn't on the nose. In photo 3, the locomotive appears to be a pinkish-purple color, not the bright red as it should be. The sky's color is better in 3 than in one though. Back to #1, there might be too much tree on the left side, but I'll stand by my vote since I think it is the most interesting image in my opinion.

    BTW, I use a tripod for most of my tele shots. I've never used a monopod, but the entire reason for using an x-pod is for stability, which the tripod has more of. Camera shake is a major factor in image sharpness. A monopod might be convenient, but I'll take my tripod any day.

    Edit: Forgot to mention your safety message. Great job on that guys. It's amazing how uneducated (or stupid) some people are concerning trains and railroads. I'm glad you took the time to include this message into your report.
  • I like photo #3. not to bad!
  • photo 2 is awsum. You can feel the power of the engine as it heads towards you. Good job.
  • It's gotta be photo 3 for me. I really liked the color and composition, as well as the angle. Also, thanks for reminding everyone how even a slight moment can be deadly around trains. SAFETY FIRST!!!
    Robertdale Iowa
  • I liked photo three because the engine was lighted better and you could see more of the contrast of the engine's color.

  • Guys:

    While we all discuss the pros and cons about the new wave of railfan photography, namely digital cameras and digital imagery, what about the future of 35mm cameras and film? Today's technology versus yesterday's?

    While its a given that you can shoot more digital images with a digital camera (no film, less cost, using mem cards), you can only download the images , trade by email, make discs and color prints. Its not like trading and selling slides, something very tangible.

    Two very distinct schools of how to take today's railfan photos are emerging: digital images versus slides.. In what direction is the railfan community going on this today? How many of us still take slides (trade/ sell them) and how many of us are using digital images? eBay is loaded with slide sellers selling train slides but I dont see anyone (yet) selling digital image mem cards or discs with trains on them. Comments?

    Gib Allbach/ Bensenville, Ill.

  • I voted for shot one becouse it is a little more creative and used what was around to make a nice location, Great. The other thing is that it is deffrent from what we have seen, tele tele tele................tele. This time it was a wide angle, Whats That?
    -Justin Franz
  • Photos 2 and 3 are similar to the choices we've had for the last few weeks...time for a change! Photo one may be a little artsy, but I voted for it.
  • # 1 and # 3 were shot near the same place, while number 2 was shot either up or down the tracks from the other two, thus it's not from the same place and therefore shouldn't be compared with the other 2 for voting on.

    When shooting for contests it wise to make sure that your back ground is equal and balanced with the whole shot to get the best color and action that the person that commisioned the photo wants.