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Wisconsin and Southern "HJ" schedule.

  •   I'm planning to railfan along the CN(Ex WC) near Slinger, Wi. and wondering when to expect the W&S to show up. Thanks -Lou
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  • Last I knew the WSOR JH and HJ run kind of at "either end" of the day through the Slinger area. The HJ comes down from Horicon in the very early morning hours, often arriving Slinger between 5:00 and 7:00 am. Saturdays it can sometimes be a little later in the morning. The JH goes on duty around 3:00PM in Janesville, and usually gets to Waukesha in the late afternoon or evening, anywhere between 5pm and 9pm or later from my experiences. I've had good luck catching him getting onto the CN around 6 or 7 in the evening, though I've only been down there a few times. This time of year and into the winter it gets harder and harder to catch the WSOR on the CN in daylight.

    There is at least one WSOR engineer on the board that might be able to help confirm or deny this information if he sees this, but that was how the two trains were running last I knew.

    Hope that helps, 


  • When I was in Slinger, the HJ came around, oh, 4:45 in the morning. Although I did get to do a chase in the day from Horicon-Slinger in the day on the WSOR. Not sure what train it was, but atleast it came in daylight!