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Scanners on Airlines

  • I'm planning to fly to from NY to CA then back to KCY on the Southwest Chief. I'm flying JetBlue out and SW back. I'd like to take my scanner. I've check the TSA list and they areon neither the permitted or prohibited list. Anyone have experience?
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  • I doubt there is a problem. Most airlines tell you what channel to listen to through the headsets to hear the front end conversations. I doubt you are going to bludgen anyone with a radio but they may want you to have it in your bag in the hold. I would check with the airline. They would certainly know their own restrictions.
  • I travel with mine in my briefcase all the time, and have never been hassled for it. I primarily listen to fire traffic when I travel, and if I have a layover at an airport, I prepare for listening there. I also have an earphone so I don't bug those around me.

    If you know what you will be listening to, program it ahead of time. Carry the freq lists with you (and a few copies of Trains, etc). The better to prove your interest in trains.

    If you're still skittish and/or aren't planning to listen to anything enroute, pack it in your suitcase and check it through. The XRays haven't hurt mine yet, but that's still a good reason to bring your frequency lists with you.

    That said, if you do carry it aboard the plane, leave it in your carry-on bag. They don't want it on while you're flying, just as they don't want cell phones and a myriad list of other devices used.

    Have a good trip, and enjoy your listening.

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