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Rail trip USA?

  • Hi

    I am hoping to fulfill a life long dream and travel around USA by train for a month. I have no particular route but my starting and ending point will be either Boston or New York.

    Any advice and trains to travel on would be great. Also any websites that may be of interest to me in the planning of this endavour would be appreciated [:)]

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  • Well, you could always check and try to plan a trip hitting some of your major places of interest.
  • If you start in New York, you could travel to Chicago catch the Empire Builder to Seattle. Down the west coast to L.A.. From there to Miami then back up the east coast to New York. That should let you see a good part of the country. Have fun.
  • Thanks for the help and suggestions [:)]
  • My idea of a dream Amtrak trip would be to start from Kansas City go to L.A., Seattle, Chicago, New Orleans (riding the famous City of New Orleans), up to Atlanta then to Washington D.C. (to see the Appalachian Mtns.) Then to N.Y. back to Chicago and back to Kansas City. Other ideas I've had would be to go from New Orleans down into Florida and then back up the coast.

    Whatever route(s) you take you're gauranteed to see quite a variety of scenery even if it's only a couple of hundred miles. Going thousands of miles across the continent, whether north to south or east to west, will not be disappointing for sure.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • Check with amtrak . I remember they used to offer a deal called the North American Rail Pass. Which for like approximately $400.00 you can travel on any amtrak route or canadian route on VIA rail. Its good for one month of traveling.
  • I highly recommend the Coast Starlight route. The scenery is amazing especially the northern part.