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What's your favorite cab design?

  • Please vote for your favorite cab design.[:)][:)][:)]
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  • Standard Cab?
    Wide Cab?

    I prefer Checker Cabs, the Crown Victoria cabs dont interest me at all.[:D]

    Doug, in Utah
    Doug, in UtaH
  • What's a checker cab (dougal thinking "crown me")[:D]
  • My design would be the various slugs with cabs, especially the BNSF hump slugs with their tall cabs. Visibility has to be good and the lack of engine noise has to be nice.

    A Checker cab is a rather ugly but roomy cab once common in Chicago but all but vanished.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • Whatever keeps the elements out is my favourite.


    Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!

     K1a - all the way

  • Initially I did not like wide cabs (nose) but as time went on I came to like them as much as standard cabs (spartan).
  • I don`t particularly like wide cabs, but there isn`t much choice anymore, is there?
  • Wide Cabs

  • Slugs aren't really engines--they are traction motor platforms--the controlling engine feeds electrical current to the slug to power its traction motors. Many RR's would use an old engine as a slug. They would remove the prime mover--the engine--and ballast the unit to compensate for the weight. My favorite slugs are the old F units converted by the KCS!! BTW congratulations Dougal for your TAMR position!
  • Wide cabs are my favorite, especially on the newer locos. But the standard cabs are also nice too.
  • Wide cabs look good, but only with the right paint scheme. Guildfords ex CN wide cabs don't look to good with just that orange stripe across the nose. It needs something.
  • One thing I will say about wide cabs is to me they were a godsend for GE units. I like them even more than I did before.
  • Checker Marathon![oX)]
    "Paul [Kossart] - The CB&Q Guy" [In Illinois] ~ Modeling the CB&Q and its fictional 'Illiniwek River-Subdivision-Branch Line' in the 1960's. ~
  • I like the wide cabs, the old school cabs seem to waste space with the walkways along either side, always seems awkward looking out a door that doubles as a window.
  • I think the wide cabs give a sleeker look to the locomotive. I always hate to vote for the "more modern" on a poll like this, but this time I have to.

    Owner and superintendant of the N scale Texas Colorado & Western Railway, a protolanced representaion of the BNSF from Fort Worth, TX through Wichita Falls TX and into Colorado. 

    Check out the TC&WRy on at

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