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  • [%-)]

    I selected all except been on.[wow]
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  • I prefer to call it by it's proper Santa Fe name "The San Diegan". I rode it in 1979 and again in 1981. At that time the frequency was about every 2 hrs. and carried more traffic than peak WWII yrs. That is proof that passenger rail can work in the US if frequency is fairly conveniant, speeds at least match highway, and the equipment is clean and comfortable. If frequency and speed are higher, then so much the better. Trying to jump from no service or a daily token train to TGV type service is expecting too much; the cost will prevent it from ever being built. A system of of 100 to 150 routes with at least 60 MPH average speed and service every 2 hrs each way or better will get this nation rolling again and is affordable (cheaper than oil wars) and is attainable in one decade. Accepting status quo for transportation will only give us more suburban sprawl, more pollution, and more wars in the Middle East.
  • An Electric train you mean? So, an eletric High Speed Surfliner/The San Diegan![%-)]
  • I have tons and tons and tons of photos of them.
  • I have Photos from when I was in California THIS SUMMER