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DCC Help

  • I just got my Atlas Duo-Pack,and I bought a Digitrax Decoder,what I'm wanting to know is after I wire my decoder to my Loco,I want to program the decoder,I have'nt built my layout yet it's still in the planning,can I just wire one section of track,to the DCC,and program the loco,to make shure everything works right.thanks,O and what gauge wire to use from,DCC to track to do this???thanks
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  • 1) This really belongs in the Modelling forums, not the prototype (real railroading) forums. You'll get more replies that way.

    2) You can wire one section of track to program and test decoders. You'll probably want to add a selector switch to change between the programming terminals and the regular terminals to make testing your changes easier, rather than disconnecting and reconnecting wires every time. 18 gauge wire is fine for a test track.
    B-Dubya -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside every GE is an Alco trying to get out...apparently, through the exhaust stack!