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what's right for me?

  • I am in the begining stages of starting the hobby. I would like to use dept.56 village houses as the scenery. I would like to know what scale/size is best suited for this and what brand (lionel, bachman,etc) is recomended for this.

    thanks in advance,
    trying to get started
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  • mruff
    first welcome to the might want to take a small building to the hobby store and see what fits.o ho n or other guess is ho.displays and building can be what you want them to be.i use ho scale in my trains and i have hotwheels and matchbox cars on the layout and their buildings which matt(my soon) loves to play with.i even made a lighthouse from an old spice decantern. just put in a flashing light. but most of all have fun!
    stay safe

    Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


  • For Department 56, O or O27 gauge would definetly be the best. Manufacturers include Lionel, K-Line, MTH, Williams, Atlas O, etc. Lionel even made some trains in Department 56 markings and Department 56 also makes a Lionel train store.