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light rail

  • Here in Atlanta, politicians like to debate the obvious need for public transportation. A "transportation consultant" named Wendell Cox says that the numbers for such operations are falling rather than growing despite new commuter operations. I find that hard to believe other than the drop associated with the loss of jobs. I would like to write a letter to the editor of the Constitution, but have no real evidence of Cox's distortion of the facts. Cox, by the way, wants government here to pave all the region, destroying neighborhoods in the process.
    If anyone can help me with where I can get the facts, I sure would appreciate it.

    Jock Ellis Cumming, GA US of A Georgia Association of Railroad Passengers

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  • Jock,

    I did a search on "metro rail passenger numbers" and it looks like the LRTA has made a start on what you're seeking to do.

    See --

    With the list they've compiled (on US systems), it probably wouldn't take too long to web-search each and find their numbers.

    Have fun !!
    British Mike in Philly