The video below is another train hits truck. People these days.
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Amtrak_Titan wrote:I watched it but is this the only episode or there are more episodes of the Worlds's Scariest Model Train Wrecks.
I looked but I couldn't find any. But I found this video. This is a real train wreack, and it isn't funny. Just shows what happens when you don't follow the signals.
TrainManTy wrote: I didn't watch it becuase youtube is stuck, but I saw a pretty disturbing model train wreck in Superman Returns. Is it the same one? I didn't like model train wrecks, too disturbing.
I didn't watch it becuase youtube is stuck, but I saw a pretty disturbing model train wreck in Superman Returns. Is it the same one? I didn't like model train wrecks, too disturbing.
... *shudders* ... that was just plain brutal! I can honestly say I shut my eyes for that part! Seeing a model steam locomotive with its pilot truck off the rails makes me cringe never mind the destruction of an entire layout. (Sorry to those who have not and are planning on seeing the movie )
- Matt
No comment on the video. However, while on the topic of train wrecks, my wife wants me to model an Amtrak derailment on our future layout. Yes I admit it, she is as warped as I am.
:^) -Rob
Here is my worst wreck not counting a GS-4 taking a 3 foot leap of death (its is fixed)
Erire Bulit dropped have its train and I did not see it. Back in the Ho0rn Hook days.
Cuda Ken
I hate Rust
LOL, That was pretty funny! What is it with people and train wrecks? You don't know how many times I've been asked by my non-modelrailroad friends if i've ever pulled a Gomez (Adam's family) on my layout!
Thanks for sharing.
Have Fun.... Bob.
Where I teach, we have a huge--I mean HUGE 'Smart Board' in the choral room. Sometimes during break, I'll let some of my students fool around with YouTube, assuming they decide to keep it civil. The other day, one of my students, knowing I was a model railroader, cued up the Model Train Wreck and asked me, "Hey, Mr. White, do YOU do this?"
Yes, it was dumb, but when you've got eight really fun teenage boys standing around and going "BWA-HAAH--SO COOL!", then you can't help but start laughing right along with them. I countered by putting my website on line, and after looking at it, one of the boys turned to the others and said, "Man, Mr. White would NEVER do something as stupid as that on HIS layout."
But we all got a kick out of the YouTube. BTW, one of my tenors would like to become Dr. Bjorn Carrcupler's assistant--or at the very least find out where he buys his bow ties.
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
I've never understood people's fascination with crashing model trains.
Whenever I tell somebody that I have a model railroad they inevitably ask me if I crash them like on the Adams Family. I have a hard time not rolling my eyes.
However I do find prototype wrecks fascinating, with all the twisted metal and everything.
Check out the Deming Sub by clicking on the pics:
It's a parody.
The guy who made it left a nice message on the forum the last time this came up a couple of months ago.
I think its meant as a joke. I thought it was hilarious!
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
I've seen this before. Pretty funny, but it's hard to watch at times...
What kind of a sensible human being would consider crashing model trains "art" anyway? I mean, sure, there are alot of odd mediums out there, but come on!
This is pretty funny. . .