I ran them at the end of a train, much for same reason the prototypes did. I only have 4 or 5.
I don't run them any more, again, much the same as the prototypes. I should put them on Ebay with some outdated trailers. They seem to sell.
My You Tube
I used to have four of them but backdated and sold them. I always heard the minimum radius was a lot higher than one would assume for such a short car due to the single axles.
Rio Grande. The Action Road - Focus 1977-1983
mbinsewi I also have a few of these. I have 24" radius, no problems, I run mine at the end of a train, because thay can be prone to derailments if heavy train is placed behind them, just like the prorotype. Mike.
I also have a few of these. I have 24" radius, no problems, I run mine at the end of a train, because thay can be prone to derailments if heavy train is placed behind them, just like the prorotype.
Don Z Gary, The truck is part of the car body; it doesn't turn. There's no need for it to turn since there's only a single axle under each end of the car. I don't own any of these cars, but I'd be willing to bet they could handle a radius as tight as 18". Don Z.
The truck is part of the car body; it doesn't turn. There's no need for it to turn since there's only a single axle under each end of the car. I don't own any of these cars, but I'd be willing to bet they could handle a radius as tight as 18".
Don Z.
Thanks Don.
Funily enough i just dug out my H0 scale rule to get an idea of the lenght of these cars. , if the it was loaded with a 48" trailer it makes the car carrying it only about 8" long max. My minimum radii is 24" so they ought to be fine.
Research; it's not just for geeks.
Does anyone know the minimum radii these cars http://www.walthers.com/exec/productinfo/932-39813 will operate on?
Had a look on the site but it dosent mention it!
Are the trucks fixed on the model or will they turn on curves?