GEARHEAD426 wrote:my friend recently went on vacation to austuralia. he said its a lot more laid-back in the cities than the citys in the US. anywayse, i wish i could visit all the layouts i can and learn from some of the best. its a good way to learn, and it helps you figure out what you like and how you want to do it. GEARHEAD426
James, Brisbane Australia
Modelling AT&SF in the 90s
Like Josh said, he came over my house yesterday to talk trains and see my layout. It was a real pleasure meeting Josh because he is so enthusiastic and knowledgeable about this hobby....actually he puts me to shame with his knowledge. He's obviously learned a lot from this forum and it's nice that he thanked everybody. He's a lucky kid because his parents support his enthusiasm, taking him railfanning and yesterday, driving him over to my house. If more parents supported their childrens' interests, more kids would be involved in hobbies and fewer would be involved with "bad choices". Like I said to Josh's mother....there are a lot worse things that he could get involved with than trains.
Anyway, Josh, keep those questions coming and I look forward to having you over for an operating session. You've given me the incentive to finish that last bit of wiring and those last few sidings to get operational.