CAZEPHYR wrote: AntonioFP45 wrote: One thing I hope they include: Working Class lights! I know that's probably asking for too much but I think they are a neat looking feature. In the late 1960s and during 1970s the class lights were functional but railroads started eliminating them from most locomotives in the 80s. Santa Fe eliminated them as well. So I wonder if Athearn will have the Class Lights in the 1968 version cowls. Antonio There is a show next week end that Athearn is scheduled to show the Prototype shells. If we can get someone to post pictures of the shell froms that show, your question might be answered.
AntonioFP45 wrote: One thing I hope they include: Working Class lights! I know that's probably asking for too much but I think they are a neat looking feature. In the late 1960s and during 1970s the class lights were functional but railroads started eliminating them from most locomotives in the 80s. Santa Fe eliminated them as well. So I wonder if Athearn will have the Class Lights in the 1968 version cowls.
One thing I hope they include: Working Class lights!
I know that's probably asking for too much but I think they are a neat looking feature.
In the late 1960s and during 1970s the class lights were functional but railroads started eliminating them from most locomotives in the 80s. Santa Fe eliminated them as well.
So I wonder if Athearn will have the Class Lights in the 1968 version cowls.
There is a show next week end that Athearn is scheduled to show the Prototype shells. If we can get someone to post pictures of the shell froms that show, your question might be answered.
That will be possible only if its a COMPLETE preproduction shell.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
There is a show next week end that Athearn is scheduled to show the Prototype shells. If we can get someone to post pictures of the shell from that show, your question might be answered.
"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"
AntonioFP45 wrote: Zephyr, Your point is understandable but it would be a very poor judgement call on Athearn's part if after announcing the cowls several months ago and helping to generate the fanfare on the forums to suddenly pull the plug. If they actually have some shells to show, then apparently they've made the big 6 figure or 7 figure investment in the units. I like to be optimistic: Athearn (or the Chinese "contractee" ) did a beautiful job with the "not so common" SD45-2. So I'm expecting the same with the big cowls. I'm just happy that after several years of hearing or reading comments like: 1. "Aw, come on.....who wants one? Only a couple of railroads owned those things" 2. "Only a few modelers would by them" 3. "No manufacturer will ever make one" 4. "F45 and FP45s? Nah....., the market is hot for F units, and modern AC locomotives." Looks like Athearn saw the light, especially after the rumor 2 years back that Kato was being sought after to produce the cowls.....and apparently there was some interest.
Your point is understandable but it would be a very poor judgement call on Athearn's part if after announcing the cowls several months ago and helping to generate the fanfare on the forums to suddenly pull the plug.
If they actually have some shells to show, then apparently they've made the big 6 figure or 7 figure investment in the units.
I like to be optimistic: Athearn (or the Chinese "contractee" ) did a beautiful job with the "not so common" SD45-2. So I'm expecting the same with the big cowls. I'm just happy that after several years of hearing or reading comments like:
1. "Aw, come on.....who wants one? Only a couple of railroads owned those things"
2. "Only a few modelers would by them"
3. "No manufacturer will ever make one"
4. "F45 and FP45s? Nah....., the market is hot for F units, and modern AC locomotives."
Looks like Athearn saw the light, especially after the rumor 2 years back that Kato was being sought after to produce the cowls.....and apparently there was some interest.
I agree they are doing them since they are showing the shells and we probably will be able to buy them in six months or so. This latest email from Athearn news confirms it.
I certainly will purchase some of the FP45's since I have watched them since they were almost new an have seen most of them again since they were preserved and put on display.
4884bigboy wrote:Did anyone hear yet? Genesis announced that they will be adding EMD FP45s and F45s to their line next year! No roadnames or arrival dates as of yet, but if they're Genesis I bet they'll do one with sound!!!! I believe they also announced they will be doing UP FEF-3s in HO as well, and the FP45s and F45s will also be done in N scale. Also, it was either Genesis or BLI that announced SP MT-4 4-8-2s. There were a lot of announcements, all made at that big National Trainshow this weekend. I'll have to go look at the page and come back with more, or someone else can chime in and add announcments I missed. Either way, FP45s in HO!!!! I'm stoked!
This is the second time Athearn has talked about the F45 and FP45's at a trade show, but has yet to publish anything in writing. I believe it was in the MR coming products about three months ago.
You would have to wonder is it is a test the waters item and our reponse will determine the production of the leaked announcements.
They did talk about the MT4 both skylined and non skylined also.
The FEF-2 and FEF-3 series was also leaked in both oil and coal versions with and without mars light and smoke lifters.
We're going to be at Trainfest in Milwaukee on November 11 and November 12. Come see us. We'll have many of our newest items there, including body shells for our HO and N F45/FP45. For details on the show, see It's a terrific show, and if you haven't been, and if you're anywhere nearby, you owe yourself the trip.
AntonioFP45 wrote:RTPoteet, Thanks! Still, I would like to read that Athearn has confirmed this.
Here ya go!
Greetings.Here's the latest info on our projects (the ones that we can talk about). Most of thisinformation presented here was released at the NMRA Convention in Philadelphia, but we recognizethat many of you haven't heard it directly from us yet.--------------Overview--------------We have nearly forty (40) separate projects (HO and N scale) going right now. These include newtooling of locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars, and vehicles as well as upgrades ofexisting Athearn and ex-MDC tooling. We aren't ready to talk about all of these (really) so wewon't be answering questions about any of them. A word of advice, ok? If you send e-mails orletters asking for more info we won't be able to answer them. Because there isn't any more information.Here's the info that we do have for you, enough to whet your interest, maybe?--------------------------------------GENESIS (ALL Genesis is HO scale)--------------------------------------F45-FP45----------The flagships of the Santa Fe railroad are accurately rendered with all-new state-of-the-arttooling, Genesis drive, directional lighting and other top features, including DCC and sound.Line listings are not yet available. ETA Summer 2007.MT4 4-8-2 Southern Pacific------------------------------Our models of the Sacramento-built MT4-4-8-2 will come with or without the signature SP"skyline" casing. Individually applied parts include piping, valves, generators and more. Twotender variations will be offered. Line listings not yet available. ETA Late 2007.FEF2 and FEF-3 Union Pacific-------------------------------The Genesis realistic renditions of The Union Pacific classic oil and coal burners are availablewith or without smoke deflectors and Mars light and with either single or double stacks. Linelistings not yet available. ETA Fall 2007.MP15AC---------Announced long ago, we are diligently working on this workhorse. Challenged by fitting sound andinterior into a very small body, we expect to see these early 2007. We know that they will beworth the wait.---------------------------------------------------Ready-To-Roll (all Ready-To-Roll is HO Scale)---------------------------------------------------GP40X--------We have already announced the GP40X, and early pre-production deco samples look great. This isupgraded Rail Power Products (RPP) tooling with many appearance and performance upgrades. Seeour web site for details.SD45--------The first diesel with more than 16 cylinders, the mighty 20 cylinder SD45 became one of EMD'stop sellers when introduced in the mid-1960s. This is ex-RPP tooling, with many appearance andperformance upgrades (similar to our already upgraded GP35, SD38 and SD40). Line listings notyet available. ETA Spring 2007.Clay Slurry Tank Car-------------------------This new model features all new tooling that accurately replicates the Union Tank Car classic.It offers photo etched end platforms, McHenry AAR upper/lower shelf couplers and more. Linelistings will be announced NEXT WEEK. ETA Late 2006.48' Chassis and Container------------------------------Adding to our intermodal equipment, we will be announcing this combo next week. ETA Late 2006.Watch for more chassis lengths in the coming months. Line listings not available.Southern Pacific 1937 and 1938 "Daylight" Trains For a period layout (and collectors ofbeautiful things), Southern Pacific's "Daylight" passenger cars are loaded with prototypicallyaccurate features, including an operating full-width diaphragm and full interior, and will comewith or without skirting. Line listings are not yet available. ETA Early 2007.-----------N Scale-----------F45-FP45-----------EMD Created just 86 F45 units, recognizable by their streamlined bodies. Line listings not yetavailable. ETA Summer 2007.4-6-6-4 Challenger----------------------First test shots of this locomotive are impressive. If you're at the N Scale Collectors Show inDenver this weekend you'll see one in person. We'll have photos of the deco samples (due toarrive late this month) on our web site as soon as we get the models to photograph. ETA on thesebeauties is (we hope) late this year or early 2007.Mack Trucks---------------The Mack trucks are moving ahead. Slowly. (They're little tiny models and they take quite awhile for our expert tool makers to get them "just right"). We'll have Mack 'R' and Mack 'B'tractors, tow trucks, mixers and dump trucks. We have early test samples that we'll be showingthis weekend at the N Scale Collectors Show. We expect to make formal announcement of paintschemes and item numbers in September or October for delivery early next year.That's it. Any more projects that we have underway just aren't yet ready for discussion. We'lllet you know more at the proper time.Thanks for reading this.The Folks at Athearn
mustanggt wrote: Here's something I don't think anybody metioned on the forum yet........... Dave
Here's something I don't think anybody metioned on the forum yet...........
Hey guys!
Latest update from Athearn: "Trainfest Show" in Milwaukee, Nov 11th & 12th.
Athearn will have the new Genesis F45/FP45 shells on display! Hopefully we'll see some photos of the new cowls.
If any of you here attend, please take some closeup shots if you can.
( Now if only Athearn could go a step further and produce the SDP40f! Hey, I can dream! )
BTW: I've forwarded this thread to Athearn.
Very good point about these manufacturers having contracts with the DCC/Sound vendors. Like you, I'll likely get a "non-sound" unit and install Soundtraxx or LokSound technology instead.
If Athearn is "forced" to stay with MRC then I hope that the management at leasts puts pressure on MRC to improve their sound decoder's quality. At my LHS alone a number of customers were turned off by the sound equipped SD45-2 and opted to instead, purchase non-sound SD45-2s and install decoders from Soundtraxx and Lok Sound.
Master of the Big Blue Sky,
Don't write your prospects off so quickly. You can still get one or two of the new cowls. Lots of businesses still offer "Layaway" plans. That's how I purchased my Stewart F7 and my first P2K E7 A&B set.
You'd probably have a big smile seeing a nicely detailed GN F45 cruising on your rails.
AntonioFP45 wrote: Hi Guys! Here's the August 2006 Update from Athearn News: F45-FP45 The flagships of the Santa Fe railroad are accurately rendered with all-new state-of-the-art tooling, Genesis drive, directional lighting and other top features, including DCC and sound. Line listings are not yet available. ETA Summer 2007. Well.....sounds like good news to me! My only sticking point though is that I hope they don't use MRC sound! I've read that a few of you like them, but after hearing MRCs, and comparing them to Soundtraxx, and Lok Sound decoders........MRC diesel decoders just don't cut the mustard. Interestingly enough, Lok Sound has the correct sound for these big cowls: The EMD 20 cylinder 645. If available, the horn sound should be a Leslie S3 series.
Hi Guys!
Here's the August 2006 Update from Athearn News:
The flagships of the Santa Fe railroad are accurately rendered with all-new state-of-the-art tooling, Genesis drive, directional lighting and other top features, including DCC and sound. Line listings are not yet available. ETA Summer 2007.
Well.....sounds like good news to me! My only sticking point though is that I hope they don't use MRC sound! I've read that a few of you like them, but after hearing MRCs, and comparing them to Soundtraxx, and Lok Sound decoders........MRC diesel decoders just don't cut the mustard.
Interestingly enough, Lok Sound has the correct sound for these big cowls: The EMD 20 cylinder 645. If available, the horn sound should be a Leslie S3 series.
The Genesis will probably use MRC since Athearn has some kind of contract agreement with them. As you know, PCM models all use Loksound, while the BLI uses QSI. Proto uses QSI also and Tower 55 uses Digitrax. All of the companies use one sound supplier, probably by contract and price guarantee for a certain amount of time to keep budgets in line. The companies seem to have an agreement or contract with one sound maker only for each brand.
If Athearn had sufficient feedback on our dissatisfaction about their sound installations, maybe they would consider changing brands for their supplier in the future.
I will probably get some of the FP45's, but without sound so the Loksound can be installed.
It should be a great model that many of us have been waiting for.
user="4884bigboy Ack! I think we all forgot about MRL! Good catch. Let's also not forget that NYS&W has/had F45s as well. GN big sky blue is another option.
Ack! I think we all forgot about MRL! Good catch. Let's also not forget that NYS&W has/had F45s as well. GN big sky blue is another option.
Yes indeed. Unfortunatly, I doubt I will now be able to afford the genisis offerings. Especially if they put a full DCC and Sound package in it. Oh well Second hand e-bay is going to have to come to my aid when I am ready for mine.
Anyway, I'm still happy and looking forward.
Just my opinion as well, but I'm guessing that since Athearn has announced they're producing these units, chances are that the older Athearn cowls that keep popping on ebay may actually start selling for cheaper prices since they'll no longer be "hot and hard to get models".
zgardner18 wrote: AntonioFP45: I have to add for my sake and hopefully others that I think that Athearn should also include Montana Rail Link in this line-up as well, since the MRL are the only ones still using them these days. I would love to see Athearn come out with the F45 in MRL with ditchlights and all. I know it's a bad picture.
I have to add for my sake and hopefully others that I think that Athearn should also include Montana Rail Link in this line-up as well, since the MRL are the only ones still using them these days. I would love to see Athearn come out with the F45 in MRL with ditchlights and all.
I know it's a bad picture.
I have been waiting for some time for new tooling for the F45 and FP45. I also would like to see MRL. My other wish list would be Great Northern, Burlington Northern (F45) and Early Santa Fe passenger (FP45). Athearn could do quite a bit mroe like NYS&W and all the various liveries of Santa Fe.
--Zak Gardner
My Layout Blog:
I can hardly wait!!!!
James, Brisbane Australia
Modelling AT&SF in the 90s
csmith9474 wrote:I doubt there will be steam lines on the FP-45s. Athearn has not added steam lines on it's other passenger diesels. Of course who knows; we could get lucky, although Athearn has not released any of it's passenger diesels with steam lines.
all Athearn needs to do is put the notch in the bottom of the pilots to give the impression of the steam line connections
MP 53 on the BNSF Topeka Sub
Matt from Anaheim, CA and Bayfield, COClick Here for my model train photo website
jeffshultz wrote: AntonioFP45 wrote: One prototype was saved last year by a gentleman who purchased it. I'm not certain, but someone on the TRAINS forum mentioned that it was the MAERSK unit. The SDP40fs, IMHO, were attractive units that should not be so easily overlooked, especially by Amtrak and Santa Fe modelers/fans. That's DLMX 644, normally based at the Brooklyn Roundhouse in Portland, OR with SP 4449, SP&S 700 and a few other assorted interesting locomotives. It's still painted in the silver and blue warbonnet. Right now it's in Albany, OR at the Portland & Western RR enginehouse - they're in a power crunch so they are leasing it. Reportedly it's got some real issues.
AntonioFP45 wrote: One prototype was saved last year by a gentleman who purchased it. I'm not certain, but someone on the TRAINS forum mentioned that it was the MAERSK unit. The SDP40fs, IMHO, were attractive units that should not be so easily overlooked, especially by Amtrak and Santa Fe modelers/fans.
One prototype was saved last year by a gentleman who purchased it. I'm not certain, but someone on the TRAINS forum mentioned that it was the MAERSK unit.
The SDP40fs, IMHO, were attractive units that should not be so easily overlooked, especially by Amtrak and Santa Fe modelers/fans.
That's DLMX 644, normally based at the Brooklyn Roundhouse in Portland, OR with SP 4449, SP&S 700 and a few other assorted interesting locomotives. It's still painted in the silver and blue warbonnet.
Right now it's in Albany, OR at the Portland & Western RR enginehouse - they're in a power crunch so they are leasing it. Reportedly it's got some real issues.
thanks for that info. From the info I read back in 2004, this unit at the time was not in running condition. For the MAERSK display even though it was on the front of the special train, it was actually being shoved by a locomotive that was coupled behind it. It's not surprising that the old girl has issues since collectively the SDP40fs, F45s, and FP45s racked up several million miles on Santa Fe's steel highways. Add to that the miles the SDPs accrued on Amtrak.
Yes the SF FP45s kept thier gyra lights during the 70s but all were gone by the time the Super Fleet program got underway. I'm pretty sure that if Athearn does the 1968 Milwaukee and Santa Fe versions, they should have functioning Gyra lights, just like the current Athearn SD45-2. The Mars lights on the Genesis F units are impressive.
As for a functioning beacon light on the BN F45, interested modelers again, should bug Athearn about that idea. There's nothing to lose
BTW: If I'm not mistaken, I think offers a functioning beacon light.
LongIslandTom wrote: If you don't want to wait for Athearn Genesis to come out with that N-Scale F45, you can buy a resin body shell kit (complete with etched metal detail parts) that will fit a Kato N-scale SD40 mechanism here: Pretty darn good looking N-scale kit that is too!
If you don't want to wait for Athearn Genesis to come out with that N-Scale F45, you can buy a resin body shell kit (complete with etched metal detail parts) that will fit a Kato N-scale SD40 mechanism here:
Pretty darn good looking N-scale kit that is too!
Those ARE some purdy looking locomotives...Now, I just need to check the exchange to see how much they are in USD.
Scott - Dispatcher, Norfolk Southern
I doubt the BN F45s will have working beacons, I've yet to see a stock model with one. Working Gyra lights on early Santa Fe units (although some retained them and their passenger horns into the late 1970s) and Milwuakee Road units is a distinct possibility, hasn't Athearn produced their Genesis F units with working MARS lights?
I will personally be getting one (or two) of the ATSF Superfleet FP45s, assuming that scheme is done in the first run. But with the popularity of the scheme, why wouldn't it be?
(Antonio, don't worry about forgetting Kodachrome. Even I forgot about it until the last second!)
AntonioFP45 wrote:One prototype was saved last year by a gentleman who purchased it. I'm not certain, but someone on the TRAINS forum mentioned that it was the MAERSK unit. The SDP40fs, IMHO, were attractive units that should not be so easily overlooked, especially by Amtrak and Santa Fe modelers/fans.