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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 3:04 AM
Thanks to all. Jim, that RPP shell sounds like a good bet. As far as the decals go, I have checked with just about EVERY manufacturer, no luck. I know that "Herald-King" had them in the 1970's.
They no longer have them. I was hoping to find someone with an old set they would part with.
Model Railroading is Fun! (but it can be a little frustrating at times too). I was in the hobby back in the '70's, and never bought a set of those decals. I probably figured that they would always be available. Well, I'm kicking myself now!
Oh well, I DID manage to save a few rarities from the 1970's. Example, I have a mint condition "JOUEFF" Amtrak Turboliner, 2 AHM steamers, (before they got more expensive than brass), as well as a few other misc. tidbits that are either no longer available, or totally overpriced versions of the same thing. eehhhhh, good old inflation......
Todd C.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 14, 2002 9:11 PM
I just checked the 2003 Walthers catalog. Page 84, Rail Power Products has loco shells, etc. for a GP-38. Can't help out on the decals but you might try a Microscale catalog. Alot of hobby shops have them and they will let you browse. Jim
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 14, 2002 7:48 PM
Other mods you need are to cut away the roof overhangs at the doors and, more difficult, the two radiator roof fans on a GP38-2 model need to be closer to each other on a GP38. I have older Atlas GP38s and even if they aren't up to today's standards, they still stand up well in detail and operation.
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Posted by friscobob56 on Saturday, December 14, 2002 9:32 AM
Atlas has a GP38 model out in both the early (oil-bath air filter) and later (paper air filter) versions, and both with or without dynamic brakes. Availability may be another problem, as they sell quick.

Your best bet would be to try some of the large mail-order firms, like Caboose Hobbies or Standard Hobby Supply.

I'm not sure how many undecorated models Atlas made.

Also, keep in mind if the model has a DCC decoder, the price will be higher (unless you're wanting DCC, in which case it won't matter :) ).

There's always the occasional ConCor GP38, if you can find one- these particular models first came out in the late 1970s from Atlas, made by Roco in Austria. I have several, and they run fine- the distraction is the clunky-looking handrails, which can be replaced. Also, the dynamic brake hatches would have to be cut out & replaced with plastic pieces.

Good luck in your search- I hope this helps


 Ship IT on the FRISCO!

Chief cook & bottle-washer, SLSF Arthur Sub, Paris, TX, circa 1975-1978

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 14, 2002 5:00 AM
I want to model some GTW GP-38's. I know that Athearn has GP-38-2's, but I want the pre-1972 version. Does any manufacturer offer these in HO scale plastic? If not, what would it take to turn an Athearn GP-38-2 into just a GP-38? I know about the different trucks, and the sight glass on the side of the hood. I believe that replacement cabs are available too. (cannon?)
Would any other modifications be needed? I want a pretty close model. Not down to the last nut&bolt, but real close. Also, any ideas on where I might get a set of GTW Bi-Centennial decals?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks, Todd C.

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