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Any good Samaritans out there?

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 18, 2005 4:47 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by mcouvillion

nfrailway, Are you going to make enough money off the sale of your motive power to make a substantial difference in funding your kids' college education? I doubt it. You may, however, make a significant difference in your personal anxiety level after the sale, and it won't be positive. Find something else to sell or find an alternate income source. Are the kids working and contributing to the effort? Do you have other assets that are cluttering up the house or attic that might be worth more if someone else had them?
Mark C.

Do I understand correctly that this is not an emergency situation where you could loose the house or something like that?
Even if you got an average of $100 per loco, and you sold half of them, that's only $1300. How far will that go? You would have to invest that in a Roth IRA or some other tax sheltered vehicle and contribute regularly for decades to have an amount that will mean anything. The kids will have to contribute so that they can appreciate the effort and be more careful spending it.

If you have to sell them to show you are making a sacrifice, keep the keepsakes or rare models and sell the rest. How many switchers does your yard need? How may trains can you run on the layout? Which engines run the best? That is what I would ask myself if I had to sell off some of my rolling stock.

How about selling built up kits on ebay? There are many modelers that buy build ups. Or use your skills to sell model building services. That way you can stay in the hobby and make money.
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Posted by nfrailway on Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:44 PM
Many thanks to all who replied to my post with some great advice and thoughtful observations. I guess I learned the hard way that loco collection can become a bit of an obsession for many of us, whether we can afford it or not. It's not so much the money as the feeling of guilt when another new loco arrives that you need like a hole in the head. I'm glad some of you reminded me that it's OK to enjoy my layout with a few favorite locos.
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Sunday, April 17, 2005 6:37 PM
Oh boy,this is tricky-I have 30-40 old Tri-Ang & Hornby British outline locos with appropriate consists sitting gathering dust as well as 20 C.N, G.T,.C.V,VIA & GO units in use. I can pick up any of the old Brit units & flash on where and how it arrived and where I was in my life at the time,same with all of my guitars. I can try and harden my heart and tell myself that when my daughter is old enough to go to college she will be old enough to keep herself, at least in beer and smokes,but lets face it,being a parent means putting yourself at the bottom of any list of priorities being made-On the bright side,if they are off to college you are on the `home straight`and should have your life [and house] back soon---to be honest I would think that a few hundred bucks for second-hand locos will be a drop in the ocean. nice to find another C.N. modeller!! good luck,regards,nick
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Posted by mcouvillion on Sunday, April 17, 2005 5:56 PM

Are you going to make enough money off the sale of your motive power to make a substantial difference in funding your kids' college education? I doubt it. You may, however, make a significant difference in your personal anxiety level after the sale, and it won't be positive. Find something else to sell or find an alternate income source. Are the kids working and contributing to the effort? Do you have other assets that are cluttering up the house or attic that might be worth more if someone else had them?

Mark C.
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Posted by CraigN on Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:12 AM
Back when I was having financial difficulties, I went out and got a part time job for a few hours a week. And because of that choice, I didn't have to sell anything. Just calculate how much you will get for selling your stuff, divide that by minimum wage and you will see how many hours you have to work to protect your investment.
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Posted by selector on Saturday, April 16, 2005 9:16 PM
I will take a more draconian position than that of my thoughtful colleagues. I think that if you are under a crunch, a serious one, then keep the layout (if it is a keeper), and get rid of pretty much everything else that has axles. Yes, keep honest-to-God rarities, and I would agree to maybe a couple of locos so that you can stay in the 'game', but cut the rest and don't look back.

Here's why: when you get back on your feet (notice I said "when", not "if"), you will have the pleasure and excitement of procuring some nifty new stuff that will have more capabilities at a more reasonable price than is currently the case. Of course, as some of my esteemed colleagues have suggested, you would be a bit more disciplined this time, and only make a few...A FEW!...highly desirous purchases to flesh out your new appraoch to the hobby. No more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ tied up and sitting around that others in your household could put to more immediate use.

My 0.00005 cent worth.
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Posted by dinwitty on Saturday, April 16, 2005 1:24 PM
The ROCO FA2 may actually a loco you want to match up with another, mated back to back.
I have an old Hobbyline FA and its a keeper.
Remember sometimes diesels were lashed up unpaired with any engine in the consist, IE an FA with and F7 as long as it got the job done.
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Posted by tatans on Saturday, April 16, 2005 12:09 PM
It would seem you fell into the category a lot of MRR's get into, that where they have far too many locomotives, and have become nothing more than collectors, you may be surprised that there really are people out there with large layouts and believe that even 10 locos are excess(how many can run at once?) I'm amazed you had 50, that, to a LOT of people is incomprehinsible, Remember, you will not be run out of town because you ONLY have 12 locomotives, it may be a start to a new point of view about model railroading, The prevalent advice seems to be keep the ones that really mean something to you and sell the rest, return to the hobby, best of luck.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 16, 2005 10:50 AM
You should definitely keep the Roco FA2 - these might well become something of a rarity in years to come. I'd also say the Bachmann F7 is worth hanging on to - I have one of these which is a superb runner and is awaiting DCC and superdetailing. It might help to think in terms of lash-ups - how do your locos fit together? Running an end to end layout means that I have to operate either pairs of "A" cab units, or a cab unit and a hood unit, or a cab unit working with push-pull passenger cars. If you can go through and work out which locos don't match anything else it might help decide which to sell. It's a tricky decision I know - I have a collection of Athearn BB locos that I assembled and ran before I went DCC - they're now confined to boxes awaiting funds to buy decoders!
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Posted by siberianmo on Saturday, April 16, 2005 9:43 AM
Have you considered putting those loco's that you wi***o "retire" into a wall mounted or free standing display case? I'm into HO and have three 24" x 48" wall mounted display cases in my basement trainroom - just for "retired" stuff .......

I understand what you are going through ..... really tough, especially when you enjoy your hobby and what you've collected. So IF money isn't the driving force and IF you have a place for display cases - give it some thought.

See ya and good luck![tup]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by CraigN on Saturday, April 16, 2005 9:06 AM
Decisions like this are hard to make. If it was me, I would look around the house and sell everything else that I don't use first. My trains would be the last thing I would part with. My computer would go before my trains. But , after all that I still need to sell trains, I would sell the ones that can be easily replaced when the time comes. I would keep my best runners and dump the rest.

If I was really hard pressed for cash , I would trade down my car to a smaller gas efficent model. I can get more for my car than any of my trains. And i would need to replace the car eventually anyways.

just my 2 cents
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 16, 2005 3:41 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by challenger3802

Keep the ones that mean something to you, also if there worth a few bob or two and parting with would mean you'd never find a replacement for them.

Two of my locos fall into those categories, they're just too valuable to part with!


I agree with our English cousin. Keep the ones that mean the absolute most and let the others go.
I'm faced with something of the same nature and am having to decide whether I should keep my Union Pacific streamliner or my Santa Fe Super Chief. Jumping off a bridge head first would be easier for me to do...

Good luck to you.

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Posted by dinwitty on Saturday, April 16, 2005 3:28 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by challenger3802

Keep the ones that mean something to you, also if there worth a few bob or two and parting with would mean you'd never find a replacement for them.

Two of my locos fall into those categories, they're just too valuable to part with!


some of mine are reworked customized, like an original mantua sharknose and I painted/detailed it with a different drive, a Rivarossi drive was thrown on it, I changed it.
Its a rare unit now and hard to part, but new models are out that run better.
What I shouldnt have sold are my HOn3 Alco DL535 pairs, but they are out of my era, but they were hard to find!!! I couldnt find them now at the price I bought them at...sheeshe
cool rare models you wanna keep, but his list is pretty easy to buy back.

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Posted by challenger3802 on Saturday, April 16, 2005 3:10 AM
Keep the ones that mean something to you, also if there worth a few bob or two and parting with would mean you'd never find a replacement for them.

Two of my locos fall into those categories, they're just too valuable to part with!

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Posted by dinwitty on Saturday, April 16, 2005 3:04 AM
I have a similar predicamint, and I plan to zero down my equipment, and I model same period.
My direction is..NO MORE DIESELS!!!
but my modeling era requires some, and I have already equipment to satisfy the needs, but I have too much other stuff, so here's my opinions.
GP30's are too modern. Sell.
I'll list opinions on each.

Atlas S2 CP...keep
Atlas FP7 UP...keep
Atlas RS3 CN...keep
Atlas RS11 CV...sell..
AtlasGP7 MEC ..keep

ROCO FA2 CN...keep

Athearn S12 GN..sell
Athearn SW7 CP...keep
Athearn SW1500 CN....sell..more modern
Athearn GP7 CN...keep
Athearn SD9 UP...sell..more modern
Athearn RTR GP35 CP...sell

Proto C-liner CP..keep
Proto RS10 CP.....sell
Proto SW9 CP...keep
Proto GP7 GN...keep
Proto GP18 CN...sell...more modern
Proto GP30 BN...sell...more modern
Proto GP30 GN...sell...more modern

KAto NW2 CN....sell
KAto GP9 CN...keep

Bach Spectrum GE 44Tonner GN...keep
Bach Spectrum FM H10-44 CP..keep
Bachmann Plus F7A GN...keep
Bachmann Plus GP35 GN...sell

Walthers Trainline GP9M CP...keep

Separate the keepers from your sellers, then compare operatability and detail,
think about how you operate what you need to use., then choose agin what to sell/keep.
Remember you can always buy back later in the future what you like.
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Any good Samaritans out there?
Posted by nfrailway on Saturday, April 16, 2005 1:17 AM
I know this sounds pathethic, but I'm trying to reduce my loco roster due to financial problems, eg. trying to college educate two kids. I had over 50 locos and I have managed to sell of about half of them on ebay. Now comes the really hard part.

My layout is small ( 10x14 ) and even though I love to collect locos, I want to get my roster down to a usable 10 or 12. That's all I can justify for now. I'm freelancing the transition era. My steam is OK. I'm reluctant to sell off any more diesels , but I have to be ruthless and bite the bullet.

I 'm so indecisive I'm paralyzed., but If I list the 26 locos I have left, would someone be kind enough to make some suggestions on what you would keep if you were in the same situation.?

I know this is asking a lot but PLEASE help.

I'm partial to Atlas and Athearn. And, should I concentrate on one road name, or , is it better to have variety of loco types and roadnames on a freelanced layout just for interest ? Anyway here goes. Nothing ventured nothing gained !

Atlas S2 CP
Atlas FP7 UP
Atlas RS3 CN
Atlas RS11 CV
AtlasGP7 MEC


Athearn S12 GN
Athearn SW7 CP
Athearn SW1500 CN
Athearn GP7 CN
Athearn SD9 UP
Athearn RTR GP35 CP

Proto C-liner CP
Proto RS10 CP
Proto SW9 CP
Proto GP7 GN
Proto GP18 CN
Proto GP30 BN
Proto GP30 GN


Bach Spectrum GE 44Tonner GN
Bach Spectrum FM H10-44 CP
Bachmann Plus F7A GN
Bachmann Plus GP35 GN

Walthers Trainline GP9M CP


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