Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
ChuckAllen, TX
QUOTE: Originally posted by SpaceMouse How does it work with the details? Do you scratch build those as well? I could see where a barrel might be easier than say, a lathe.
QUOTE: Originally posted by mikebonellisr Sometime it's the trip and not the destination....I too,find myself super-detailing the rear of structures that I know will never be seen.I've included power meters,cats,dogs,garbage(even clay,ho scale rats)Well....I know it's there,ENJOY!
QUOTE: Originally posted by Ted D. Kramer Mike, I checked out your C.M. & S. link and now- -I have no socks! If it gets any better; I haven't seen it. I fear one careless sneeze could raise havoc, lol. From your quality photos, I take it that you are no stranger to the camera, right? Wonderful acheivment so far and it can only get better. Regards, Ted
QUOTE: Originally posted by underworld Maybe you can find some scale kitty litter to help clean up the grease
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage Actually, wouldn't old, used, automobile oil just do the trick for creating stains in the engine houlse. (Saves having to reinvent the wheel.) Besides, it both looks AND smells like the real thing...[:)] Tom
Modeling B&O- Chessie Bob K.
QUOTE: Originally posted by SpaceMouse [br Thanks. You've helped me understand that a*** retentiveness is a spectrum and not a box.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Casey Feedwater A few grease stains should just be the start of it, SpaceMouse. [:D] That enginehouse needs a little clutter also....[:p][:D] Perhaps something like this?......
If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007