QUOTE: Originally posted by Don Gibson KADEE uses plastic axles because they're in the metal business (Kadee Metal Pruduct's) and their sideframes are metal - or at least used to be. Metal to metal doesn't roll as well, as those with old Athearn or Walthers truck's will verify. GRAPHITE will aid the rolling of metal truck's - but at the risk of electrical shorting out any insulated wheel. Most wheel brands you will see how thin that insulating ring is. SINCE cars have 4 wheels, a 20 car train present's 80 potential short's, and I wouldn't envy anyone the task to find WHICH ONE is the culprit. ... or you can use all wheelset's with plastic axles.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Don Gibson OK Chuck. First class all the way - except one. Spring for a single pr. of KATO trucks and then give us your evaluation.