Hey guys!
Hope you don't mind, but since the OP's issue was solved, may I please have help with the following issue?
IMGUR's editing format changed. I've been trying to resize my photos so that whenever I post them on to this forum, they're not huge. However, as you can see in the screen shot photo below whenvever I finish resizing a photo..........I do not see a "SAVE" icon or button anywhere. What am I not doing correctly?
"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"
Thanks Wayne , I appreciate the encouragement.
Present Layout progress
wickmanThanks TF and Mike I think that's what happened, so many of us have moved to using a handheld device for all our pic taking and uploads and they changed something on us.
I'm glad to hear that you got your Imgur connection straightened-out, Lynn. Otherwise, we'd have been denied seeing your great-looking layout.I'm still with photobucket, which is somewhat changed from it's original practice, but it's still useable, too.
I haven't got the redirect photo link but I it is not uncommon for imgur to lock up when I'm trying to upload a photo. I find this seems to happen at peak times, early afternoon or early evenings. I don't recall it happening when I upload early morning or late at night so maybe you should try then.
Thanks TF and Mike I think that's what happened, so many of us have moved to using a handheld device for all our pic taking and uploads and they changed something on us.
wickman Ok thanks guys , I found out what I was doing wrong :)
Ok thanks guys , I found out what I was doing wrong :)
I might have had the same problem recently. Imgur changed the format. I saw a button that said something like 'return to previous format'. A fter pressing the button, it was back to the way I was used to.
A short time ago, Imgur changed something and desktop site had to be chosen upon reaching their site, otherwise nothing worked right at all. That's how it is from a phone now but don't know if it's the same from a tablet.
Thanks guys this is actually what I have been doing, TF I use to get the list down the side ( you refreshEd my memory) , I don't get the side list now. Perhaps because I'm working off my iPad?
Hi Lynn. Haven't been having any problem with Imgur. Posting this screenshot photo right now.
Have you tried selecting the BB code function, then push the blue copy box and you get a green outline. Then you go to the Forum site and copy paste.
It shows up as a code but will appear as a picture after you post it.
wickmanI've just today also signed up to flickr thinking it may work better through there but no luck.
Once you jump a few hurdles the Flickr posting works just fine (for now).
Be sure the photos you want to share are set to "public" in your Flickr preferences.
Select the photo you want to post to MR and click on the downward "Share" icon in the lower right:
MR_Photo1 by Edmund, on Flickr
A window will pop up with some sharing options. Choose BBCode and optional choose a resolution size but this isn't really necessary since the MR software will automatically resize it for you.
MR_Photo2 by Edmund, on Flickr
Now return to the M-R site and simply paste the Flickr link directly into the text area do not choose the "insert image" icon.
MR_Photo3 by Edmund, on Flickr
You will not see your photo until after you submit your reply.
(somehow I'm getting the fatal 403 FORBIDDEN warning while trying to edit my reply!!!
Hope that helps, Ed
Hi folks in the past I had no problem uploading photos of my layout progress using imgur but now I only seem to get a redirect photo link which to me just isn't cool , I've just today also signed up to flickr thinking it may work better through there but no luck. Can I get some help with this issue please , perhaps a step by step for dummies? Thanks