I was running my Clinchfield #11422 Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0 and it seems to run quite slowly even with my Control Master ll at full throttle.I wonder if it has low gearing or if something is wrong with it?
Is this a change from the way it ran before, or is it being run for the first time?
And is this a new model, or one that has been sitting a few years and possibly has hardened lubricant?
If it's a new engine, sometimes just a 'break-in' run - 10 min. forward non-stop, then 10-min. in reverse - will shake out a lot of running issues.
Is this a sound-equipped engine running on DC? If so, that could be the issue. Sound takes up a lot of power, so generally the first 5-7 volts of the 12 volts from the power pack go to the sound, making the engine's top speed much slower than it would be on DCC.
Depends too on if it's running slowly but smoothly, or if there's a 'hitch' every turn of the drivers. A hitch could mean one of the siderods has gotten bent enough to hit something each revolution. Otherwise, maybe make sure the plug between the engine and tender is pushed all the way in, that the wheels are all clean, and lubricate if it seems stiff.
Ok I bought this engine a few months ago on the bay and I think it was used.it has no sound (as far as I know ,never heard a peep)it has two orange plugs that plug Into the tender)as for a hitch,it does seem to have one .Plus the engine does seem a bit warm after I ran it for about ten minutes.
I don't ever recall having problems with Bachmann's Spectrum Consolidations (nor with the earlier version, with the pancake motor, either).
I'm also using a ControlMaster 20, for power, but am using a Varipulse walk-around throttle from Ken Stapelton. It easily runs as many locos as I wish to add (I often double head most of my trains, and also add pushers when necessary.)
I have five of those locos in-service, including one that had a head-first encounter with the layout room's concrete floor, and have another three awaiting re-building as models of three specific prototypes.
As has been mentioned, your loco may need the gears cleaned if you use grease (plastic compatible, hopefully). Most of mine use Labelle's plastic-compatible oil.
Here's the partially torn-down one with the pancake motor...
...and a pair of Spectrum Consolidations on a train...
It is noisy and you can see something may be binding here is a YouTube link. https://youtu.be/xD2WpAj4lfk
Ok I think I found the issue and it is fairly serious,the second set of driver's looks bent ,I guess they will have to be replaced if I can find them!
I have no experience with Bachmann steamers, but it looks to me (from your pic) that the 2nd set of drivers is "mis-aligned" in the frame. Note on the left, it looks like a bearing (or something along that line) is visible (not visible on the other drivers).
I'm thinking the problem might be more apparent if you removed the screws on the bottom plate and lifted it off for inspection (again, not sure how these things are disassembled)...
I will give it a good inspection and see what's what
Removing the two screws on the bottom plate should be all you need to do to remove the plate and see inside. Be sure to have it upside down in a foam cradle or something similar. As suggested it may just be that one driver wasn't installed properly, and just needs to be put back where it should be.
Even if bent you can rebend them, did that once. Looking at blow up of pic it sure looks like it was misaligned in the begining.
It's not unusual for Bachmann engines to have a hitch because one of the siderods is hitting, and bending it a tiny bit solves the problem. In this case, it looks like one driver just wasn't installed properly. If that's all it is, it should be easy to put right.
Thanks for the replies!I will remove the plate and see if they can be reinstalled properly!
Ok I took off the bottom plate and tried to straighten the errant driver set.Nitvmuch improvement but it runs better and faster in reverse so it may be a bent drive rod.
In the pic it certainly appears the driver axle must be bent, this could be causing trouble with the siderods hitting.
If it's under warranty, I would try contacting Bachmann. Otherwise, you can buy a replacement, but unfortunately you have to buy a full set of four.
Thanks!might be the way to go !