RockCity Dude's gonna hurt his back!
Dude's gonna hurt his back!
Not if it's made from aluminum foil.
Or lose a finger.
Thanks Cal, not my idea, it's been around a long time, thought it was time for another share. Take care - Bill
Steel Culvert pipe being dropped off at the local Coal Dealer.
TF's Gotcha Kids
Never mind the man behind the curtain!
As Gorden Jackson said in the movie The Great Escape, "That is so simple its stupid". Why did'nt anyone ever figure that one out instead of paying an arm and a leg for a commercial version? That is absolutly brilient!!!!.
I got it - thanks man!
I hope I can pay attention here because my favorite Bridge of my childhood got a broken foot some 40 years later.
She stood solid as a rock with those Green Machines going over and under her.
Broke my heart to come back to her injured but I'm glad she's okay
I still visit her every year in the Spring and even traveled down from International Falls when I got older.
You know I was upset those unrespectful kids were spray-painting her Timbers while I was away
I best not ever catch one of those little brats or there'll maybe be another corrugated tube
Just kidding of course or am I
Try that.
Good Luck, Ed