My problem is AtlasO turnouts are available in Code 148 size only, I think. I am using code 100 track. Is there a manufacturer who produces rail joiners in a code 100 to code 148 size? If my opening statement about AtlasO is incorrect, please tell me where I am in error.
Thank you.
I searched and did not find any code 148 to cdode 100 transition joiners.
Something that may work (has been done with smaller rails in HO)
Place 148 joiner on code 148 rail Use pliers to crush rail joiner Solder code 100 rail to top of joiner aligning top and inside of rail head of the code 100 to the top and inside of the code 148 rail head.
I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.
I don't have a leg to stand on.
I assume you are in 2 rail. I'm not an expert, but I have seen differences between old Rivarossi track and Atlas track that would require some kind of transition. The suggestion above is certainly valid. Another option could be to build a transition track, by soldering the track of one short Atlas track to one short Rivarossi track (or code 100 track) together. That's what I would do anyway...