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Posted by BEAUSABRE on Friday, August 6, 2021 11:36 AM

Are people who build static railroad models model railroaders? I vote YES

REVELL NYC HUDSON 4-6-4 STEAM LOCOMOTIVE # 02163 static | #131965313 (

Union Pacific Big Boy Locomotive, Revell 02165 (2003) (

(140) Building Union Pacific's Big Boy from Revell - YouTube

Revell-Germany Big Boy Locomotive Plastic Model Locomotive Kit 1/87 Scale #02165 ( Minicraft Models Trevithick Engine 1/38 Scale: Toys & Games

(140) Minicraft 1804 Trevithick Steam Locomotive 1/38 Kit Review - YouTube

Internet Modeler Building the Minicraft 1804 Trevithick Steam Locomotive

I can remember building a static HO model of a NKP Berkshire, but can't seem to find anything online. Anyone else remember this? (Forgotten what happened to mine...)

Oh, by the way. You could display a static model (or a clunker which looks good but runs lousy and you can't bear to part with for sentimental reasons) in front of your passenger depot, shops, etc

PlacesPages: Great Northern Locomotive #2584, Havre, MT

or have it on the deadline in back of the shops awaiting a traffic surge, maintenance or scrapping on your transition era railroad. Some of these lasted on railroad property until the Sixties. The tenders can be used alone - UP used old tenders on its gas-turbines, others used them as tenders/water cars for the Big Hook or rotary plow or on fire trains. Or with some fairly simple wiring and new trucks you could use them behind your stable of steamers to create a family look. Keep your eyes open at swap meets, train shows and on Ebay



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