Thanks guys, MRP DVD ordered!
I just got the new 1995-2019 DVD for Christmas. Great resource! Highly recommended.
Milwaukee native modeling the Milwaukee Road in 1950's Milwaukee.
There is a DVD with all MRP issues from 1995-2020 you can buy. I have that one, plus the first 10 years of Classic Trains, plus the original 75 year MR DVD set, and the more recent 2010-2019 10 year update.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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I recently was referred to the 2003 MRP issue and was fortunate to pick up on ebay for a reasonable price. I do have a few earlier MRP's and liked them but for whatever reason stop purchasing. Some questions:
1) Is there an article index for MRP's?
2) Is it possible to purchase a single article?
3) Is it possible to purchase digital versions of MRP's?
I hope Q3 is yes, as I can find articles so much quicker on my computer than going through my storage box with 25+ years of MR issues...