QUOTE: Originally posted by brclem I'll take 1 and 3
QUOTE: mktrains: I'm just getting back after a 20 year absence. Planning to build a new N layout on a door.
QUOTE: Originally posted by EZamora From a fellow on the 'Other side of Texas'! If you still have an extra #2 on Weathering that will be great. If they have all been claimed , that's fine. Thanks for your generosidy!
QUOTE: Originally posted by EZamora That's ok! What really counts is that you're contributing by helping others in this great hobby! Thanks for responce! EZamora
//signed// John Powell President / CEO CNY Transportation Corp (fictional)
Hunter - When we met in January of 2000, you were just a 6 week old pup who walked his way into this heart of mine as the only runt in the litter who would come over to me. And today, I sit here and tell you I am sorry we had to put you down. It was the best thing for you and also the right thing to do. May you now rest in peace and comfort. Love, Dad. 8 June 2010
I love you and miss you Mom. Say hi to everyone up there for me. Rest in peace and comfort. Love, John. 29 March 2017
QUOTE: Originally posted by TEFFY In continuing the PARKERLEGEND idea, I have some books that I'd like to donate to some of my fellow modelers. Most of these are duplicates. Simply tell me which book you'd like and I'll ship it to you. I WILL PAY THE POSTAGE. I hate to snub our European friends but that postage is more then I want to invest. I WILL send to Canada. Please don't insult my generosity and offer to pay, as it will upset and offend me. Please don't ask for more the one as I'd like to spread them around. If you got one from big Al please give some other guys a chance. After you have posted your request notify me of your selection and address at: teffy@pernet.net 1) 764 Helpful Hints for Model Railroaders - Bob Warren - Kalmbach 2) Painting and Weathering Railroad Models - Jeff Wilson - Kalmbach 3) Easy Model Railroad Wiring - Andy Sperando - Kalmbach This is the first printing 4) How to Wire Your Model Railroad - Lynn Westcott - kalmbach 5) 101 Track Plans - Lynn Westcott - Kalmbach Have a good day Bob
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!