I heard good things about em'. But do they have faults
I have a pair of Walther Trainline FAs that I am happy with.
Living the dream.
The only 'fault' I can see in my FAs is that my $15 Trainline loco doesn't look as nice out of the box as my $100 P2K ones. Less detail. But that can be mostly fixed for a few dollars in detail parts, and from all but close up views be next to indistinguishable. I've had mine for a long time now, no running problems - motor looks pretty basic, but I can't fault the running, it can creep better than a lot of more expensive locos, and while there's no socket to plug in a DCC decoder, it was super easy to hard wire as all the wiring is easily accessible and even the motor is fed by 2 wires, not some crazy clips or anything.
That's the only Trainline loco I have, none of the others suit my prototype and era, but unless they vastly changed them, the formula should be pretty much the same - really good drive under an older style shell with most details molded on instead of freestanding.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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