Every time I try to access the site by phone (Iphone), Eventually some stupid virus protection ad pops up that blocks the site. Not sure it is related to the site. Usually say s something like we have found 29 virus' on the phone. I have to close the window and re enter, only to have it pop up again. Doesnt appear on the desktop though. Anybody else have that problem and how to I get rid of it.
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel
An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel
A realist sees a frieght train
An engineer sees three idiots standing on the tracks stairing blankly in space
I've seen this before, including yesterday. Not sure if it helps, but I'll clear my browser cache and try again. Usually works, but not always.
Sounds like an overzealous antivirus. I don't have any third party things like that on my iPhone or iPad. But I pretty much never use my phone here, it's just too small. I have enough trouble typing on a full size keyboard, on a phone size one, my messages would need a translator. I do rarely use my iPad, and I don't recall having any issues.
It could be the in the ads, malware in ads is one reason I stopped even visiting the Yahoo site. On my desktop I never see those - I was reminded of how bad it's gotten when I tried to watch a YouTube video on my iPad the other day.
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Your phone could be infected, got something like that once on my computer, had to go back to factory specs for that one.
Dont have an anti virus on the phone. It only pops up here. I dont want to push the cncel button. god only knows what would be installed if i did.
From the description You give of what is going on...........it sounds to Me, like a malware ransom/virus set-up. More than likely, it was in/attached to something else You received.
Good Luck!
This has happened to me as well, only on the phone, never laptop. Sometimes it’s the “infected” message, other times it’s “you are the billionth customer“. I close everything and try again.